Chapter 1

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"BEEP BEEP BEEP." The alarm resonating from Brian Quinn's phone blared.

The boy lazily threw his arm over to his in-table, snatching the phone up and turning the alarm off.

He groggily rubbed his eyes, hopping out of his bed. The clock on his phone read 9:00 A.M. which meant that it was time for him to get ready for his first day of work.

Brian rummaged through his drawers, eventually deciding on a Batman shirt, jeans, and a pair of beat-up Converse high tops.

After a quick shower, he threw his clothes on and combed his dark brown hair. Brian gathered his wallet, phone, and earbuds, doing a double take in the mirror before heading down the stairs.

He was greeted by his mother as he sat down at the table. In front of him laid his favorite, pancakes, in which he began wolfing down. Brian felt a buzz in his pants' pockets and retrieved his IPhone. There was a message from his friend Joe at the top of his notifications.


We are pulling up. Your ass better be ready 😂

"Damnit." Brian thought to himself as he quickly finished off his breakfast.

He checked his pockets once more to make sure that he had everything and headed out the door.

"Have a great day at work!" The boy heard his mother yell as he exited the two story brick home.

Sure enough, sitting in front of his driveway were his three best friends: Joe Gatto, James Murray, and Sal Vulcano.

"We aren't getting any younger, come on!"
Sal shouted as Brian locked the front door.

He hopped in, sitting next to Joe in the backseat of Sal's black Ford Explorer.

"First day on the job, should be interesting." James commented, tapping his fingers on the side of the car.

"Yeah, I guess it's an experience." Sal said, indifferent to the situation.

"You aren't even a little bit excited Sal?" Joe asked his friend, popping his head in the front seat.

"Why would I be?" Sal replied, jokingly pushing Joe's head back.

"Pizzeria's always bring in teenagers, especially girls. Maybe you can get over that dry spell, bud." Brian explained to his friend, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"Maybe you need to be worrying less about me, and more about yourself. You haven't even had a girlfriend yet." Sal acknowledged, receiving a glare from Brian.

"I dated Jane Anderson for some time." He defended himself.

"Brian, you dated her for 2 weeks in the sixth grade. That's not a relationship." Sal pointed out.

"If Murray could have gotten a girlfriend last year, then you will definitely be able to find a girl." Joe added, receiving a slap on the arm from James.

"Believe me, I'm still shocked about that. The thing is, I just have to find the right girl, and I haven't successfully accomplished that." Brian clarified, placing an earbud in his ear, blasting Tom Petty.

"Look man, I don't think that Tom Petty is going to be able to solve this problem for you." James chuckled, smiling at his friend.

"He's going to have to for now." Brian shrugged, placing his attention towards the surroundings that were located outside of his window.

10 minutes later, the group arrived at Ciao Pizzeria, which would be their second home for the summer.

"Here it is, in all of its glory." Joe grinned, rushing inside.

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