XXIV. Arry, Again Part 2

Start from the beginning

"I know, me too," she replied in a quiet voice.

Looking back out the window, Arya noticed another party of guests arriving.

"Roose Bolton just arrived," she commented, causing Fianna to roll her eyes.

"Well now I feel even worse," she drily laughed, causing Arya to look at her this time.

"What do you mean?"

Fianna bit her lip, debating on telling her. Surely Arya would keep it secret? The girl was wise beyond her years and she herself had a bad feeling about their stay at the Twins.

"I got a raven from Tiernan, my cousin, a couple of months ago, after he and Ramsay Bolton went to Winterfell," she began, lifting her dress so she could rest her legs on the window seat.

"What did it say?" She asked curiously.

"That.. we shouldn't trust the flayed man," she told her seriously, her eyes looked troubled by this.

"The flayed man as in the Bolton's," Arya realised, blinking rapidly in surprise. "But they're Robb's banner men, and Roose is Robb's right hand man."

"Exactly, if he was to betray us he would know exactly how to hit close to home."

Arya's niggling feeling only grew at this, looking back out the window ominously.

"Are you going to tell Robb?"

"I don't know. If it comes out that Roose isn't a traitor, he'll assume that Tiernan is."

"So you're only protecting your cousin?" Arya asked defensively.

"Well my baby will be born a Stark, we're running out of Bua family members here," Fianna forced a laugh, and it took Arya a few seconds to truly hear what she just said. When she did, she whipped around, her mouth and eyes wide open in shock.

"You're pregnant?" She whispered in shock.

"Yes," she nodded, and despite the eery feeling in the air and the tension between the two, Fianna couldn't help but let out an uncontrollable smile.

"I'm going to be an aunt..." Arya found herself smiling too, and with tears welling in the older girl's eyes, Fianna leaned in and wrapped her arms around Arya tightly.

"I'll get you out of this, don't worry."


Arya was still seated in that same position when her mother and brother burst in later on.

"What do you mean you're not going to the wedding?" Robb asked immediately, to which Arya rolled her eyes at.

"I'm not going to that stupid wedding."

"Arya, the Freys will take this as a slight if you don't go," Catelyn warned her, considerably more calm than her son.

"I don't care what the damned Freys think!" Arya got up from her seat, her talk with Fianna had soothed her somewhat but now she was angry all over again.

"Do you not care about this war, is that it?" Robb asked furiously.

"No! I don't give a damn about this war! You and Joffrey and Stannis are running about like you're the children, not me! I don't care about it I just want to go home!" She bellowed.

"We won't have a home to go home to if we don't win this war, Arya!"

"Robb," Catelyn placed her hand on Robb's arm in an attempt to calm him, but he barely noticed.

"And who's fault is that?! I don't feel safe here, I'm staying in my room!"

"Arya, please," Catelyn stepped toward her, her eyes wide pleadingly. "Just come to the ceremony, you don't have to attend the feast afterward."

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