Immediately I faltered in my tracks. “Ava…”

            “Nope, you’re not getting out of this,” she said tersely, shaking her head. “He and Jamie are going with us, but the whole gang will be there, and you won’t even have to talk to him. If anything, this should help you.”

            “How will seeing Chance help me?”

            “Stand up strong and show him what a brave, independent young woman you are,” Ava said encouragingly.

            Maybe I would’ve stayed home, but something about her words spurred me on. I wanted to see my friends tonight, and if it came at the price of running into Chance, then I’d have to take the risk. I wouldn’t have to interact with him, and I wasn’t going to let him stop me from seeing my friends. We’d both just have to deal.

            “Fine,” I replied, wrapping the scarf tightly around my throat and turning to her. “Ready?”

            “Atta girl!” she replied, looping an arm around my shoulders and steering me out the front door. “Consider your moping phase completed. Score for Ava.”

            “I’m still making that beanie for you.”

            The only response I received was a groan.

            ~          *          ~

            “You know, I think I’ve got cramps. Maybe I should stay home,” I told Ava as we pulled into the parking lot of the ice-skating rink.

            She turned to me with narrowed eyes. “No way in hell, Candi. You are not getting out with that excuse. Take a Tylenol and man up! We are going in and we are going to declare independence.”

            “Will Rose be there?” I sing-songed tauntingly, and her face brightened at the name of her girlfriend.

            “Of course.”

            “Great. So I’m going to be the awkward third-wheel,” I replied, deflating in my seat.

            “No! Of course not. The whole gang will be there. And in a worst-case scenario, just talk to Jamie.”

            “Who will be with Chance,” I replied, throwing her a meaningful look.

            “Not necessarily. They’re not attached at the hip, Candi. You’ll be fine. It’s a couple hours. It’s not like you two were even dating. As far as everyone knows, you were two people whose chemistry just didn’t click. They don’t have to know anything else.”

The Girl Who Wrote The Dating ManualOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora