"Huh? Oh, both of his arms were shattered as well and he's got facial fracturing. No brain damage but they won't know the extent of the damage done to his eyes until he's awake" He said and my eyes widened. I quickly pulled the iv from my arm and got to my feet only to have Toshinori stand to loom over me, showing his full height as he looked down at me

"Where do you think your going?" He asked sternly

"I want to see him for myself.." I said just as the door opened revealing a nurse

"Ah it's good to see you awake Ms. Kurokawa.. But you shouldn't be out of bed" She said but I smiled

"I'm not big on staying still, is it okay if I just walk around a bit?" I asked  and she looked thoughtfully at me

"No I suppose not, seeing as most of your injuries are from the waist up.. But there was damage done to your left hip so if you feel any pain or get the feeling something is wrong while walking call for a doctor immediately" She said and I nodded thankfully

"Also what room is Shota Aizawa in? He's my colleague" I said and she smiled

"I can show you to his room, but he's not awake" She said and I nodded, slipping my feet into a pair of white slippers they provided as I walked forward, ignoring every ounce of pain as I did so. She led me only a few doors down and opened it for me revealing a room matching my own. He was laying on his back, eyes closed with bandages wrapped around his face and arms matching the bandages on my left arm.

"He should be fine, although his medical information lists no contacts. As a colleague do you know if he lives with anyone who can help him in day to day life once he is released?" She asked, and I glanced to Toshinori who looked just as clueless as I felt

"I'm not sure.. But if he doesn't have anyone I can help him out.. If he wants" I added quietly looking down at him again

"Alright then, I guess I will save that for when he wakes up" She said, jotting something down on a chart before leaving the room.  I reached out to the side table that had his scarf on it, it was ripped up and covered in blood.

"How much resistance are you going to put up if I leave" I asked and Toshinori straightened up slightly

"What?" he asked

"I want to go to the campus, to see recovery girl and the development studio" I said looking up into his electric blue eyes

"Is it safe to say that you are adamant about this?" He asked and I nodded, grabbing Aizawa's scarf and looking around for the rest of his costume

"I guess I will just come along then.. I'd rather have you with me then by yourself" He said and I smiled, making my way towards the door. I opened it slowly, testing how much I could move my right arm as I did so

"Hey Toshinori" I said thoughtfully, looking down at my bandaged arm and thinking back to how I injured it, using Midoriya quirk

"Hm?" He questioned as he opened my door for my room and led me inside

"You and Midoriya's quirks are very much alike" I said casually,  looking up at him only to see a straight face

"I guess so" He said and I raised an eyebrow

"Don't play dumb, I used your quirk the other day in our mock battle and yours and his feel exactly the same.. What's going on? Can you pass quirks onto others or something?" I asked and his eyes widened slightly

"So that's it.. How?" I asked setting Aizawa's bag on the table next to my bed and looking up at Toshinori who let out a long sigh

"I trust that you won't tell anyone because you haven't spilled my other secret so far.. my quirk, One for All, was passed onto me by another and I am the eighth holder of this power" he explained and I pouted out my lip at the news

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