Awaiting Sin

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        Toshima was colorless, barren dirt with a strand of grass. Akiza walked around and must remain undetected as she find a place for shelter. Her dog tag that the people gave her was a queen of hearts card engraved on the tag. A abandoned building was nearby . The wall were bland , apparent water damage on the ceiling. A rusty bed in the room next to a open window. Akiza sat on the bed and slept. The blood curdling screams came into her brain. Akiza awoke with goosebumps she looked out the window and saw a pile or bloody bodies on the ground. Only two men where left the man in black , and one with gray hair. The man in black hold up his sword to the other man. Akiza ducked down she didn't want to see a death, but her curiosity got the best of her. Peeking over the window she sees the man with the gray hair still alive.

 " What happened I thought he was going to kill him for sure", Akiza mumbled to herself.

Morning came Akiza never got any sleep last night after that with the images of dead bodies and the uncomfortable cot. It would be a good day to scope out Toshima. She was trying not to be seen or trying to get raped . Akiza did have some combat skills for self defense. Akiza snooped around and saw a blond girl in the distance taking pictures running away from a group of guys. A corner with a old man smoking - nothing special. The most disturbing thing was a guy got killed by two men ,  they were loud , one laughed like manic with wolverine claws while the other one was with a pipe.

 " Why was it me?" , Akiza sighed. 

" I just have to get a royal flush", she remembered her mission. Akiza the realized they never bothered to take the tags and left . She ran up to the corpse and took his tags. Akiza came up with a idea that if a man comes in a alleyway she can knock him out unconscious and steal his tag. Some tags werent cards , but they seemed important. While walking counting the tags in  a room  she looks in a window and  sees a blue haired man stealing other people's tags. 

" People play dirty around here well guess no surprise for an area ruled by a drug cartel." ,Akiza said. A man jumped behind her and tries to grab her. Akiza dodged, she study her oppenent . They man had veins brusting out of his skin she manage to slash his arm. The attack was'nt enough to  stun him he lunged for another attack. Akiza made another attack for his veins. To her shock he was still alive and was about make a attack. Akiza jumped and took his tags he fell down the window and made a loud thud. All Akiza could see was the dead body bleeding, but it took everyone's attention and the people started to crowed around including the blond girl who seemed to be with the old man , she looks over to the left seein the man with the gray hair talking to the blond girl. Akiza felt kinda  jealous at the scene. Then the man looks up and Akiza ducks and needed to get out. Then scene was cleared . Akiza felt chills through out  her body she never killed a person before. 

" Gods what did I do", Akiza cried. She just committed a sin.

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