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Berya opened her eyes. A man with a yellow face and a blue spacesuit stared at her. "You're awake at last. I'm Ben but you can call me Benny. And I can build a spaceship, watch this!" Benny started to take all pieces that looked 1980-something old. A base appeared, then the wings. Everything seemed to go so fast. Then a spaceship was laid out. "Umm... Mr.Ben-" The blue spaceman floated to her "You don't need to call me Mr. Benny. Just Benny."

Berya nodded, "Well ok. Benny, How'd did I get here?" Benny landed on the ground, seeming not so hyper as earlier. 

'Well, you see..... Lord Business had randomly captured you a day ago, thinking you're a master builder," he explained. "He was questioning you to see if you knew were the Kragle was after you were talking with Vitruvius. He thought you knew were it was. Me and a few master builders tried to rescue you and the other master builders held there. The others got captured but I manged to build a spaceship and fly out with you!" He had the crazy look on again. "In the process, you were knocked out because of me blowing a bit of the place." 

Berya nodded, "Ok. I guess." She looked around. "Umm... I'm Berya. And I have no memory of what happened so..."

Benny flew around "That's ok. Say, do you think you could build something? Like a Spaceship?"

Berya was surpised. Waving around her claw hands she said, "I just said I don't know anything, let alone how to build a spaceship." To that, Benny fell on the floor, face first.

"You... you dont know how to build a spaceship?"

Though it was hard to understand, Berya nodded. "Nope. I dont."

Benny looked up as best he could. " But I really thought no... Knew you were a master builder..." Berya was surpirsed by the spacemen's words. "What is a Master builder anyways?"  The crazy little lego man got up and floated around "Master builders are people who build cool stuff like a spaceship!" Berya nodded, it wasn'y making much sense. "How? Like they know?" Benny flew around his spaceship "Nope and yep. You see, master builders build from what they think. They take their sroundings and build!" He giggled like a high school girl "Like a spaceship!"

Berya started to like the man's idea of spaceships. " And you talked about a guy named Lord Business." Benny's smile turned into a frown "Yeah. He's evil and wants to use the Kragle* on the world." 

"And the Kragle?"

The spaceship making man waved his claw hands "The Kragle will end the world! It freezes everything it shoots. Like my spaceship!" Berya gasped. She was started to feel for him about that freezer thing freezing his awesome spaceship so it won't fly anymore! "Thats really bad." She got up, her ginger hair soon to be covered. 

"Benny. I want to become a master builder. I want to learn how to build a spaceship"


And the training began.


*It's 2 days before Lord biss took the Kragle and stuff.

On the cover is a spaceship I MADE! SPACESHIPS!!!!!! It's bad I knoe. I JUST DONT HAVE THE RIGHT PIECES! NUUUU! But hey, dont master builder NEVer have the right ones? XD

My dad edited this. 

~*/UknownDragon OUT!~*/

To Build a Spaceship (The Lego movie fan-fic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz