The first day of school

Start from the beginning

"Well there you are, hurry up im ready to go" He says to me with kind of an attitude.

"Why are you in such a hurry ? It's only 7:30"

"Because your mom said you ate all the food and im hungry, so we need to stop by mcdonalds before school. and we need to leave now so we wont be late. " But before i could respond he grabbed my hand and drug me out the door to his all black Range Rover. I had to admit the car was nice but a little bit too much for me. Without putting his seat belt Aaron starts the engine and takes off full speed down the road. I look at him wide eyed before i start yelling at him.

"Are you crazy ? Are you trying to kill me ? Your trying to kill me aren't you ?" I say to him in a panic.

"What are you talking about " He says to me as if he has no idea to what im talking about.

"What do you mean what am i talking about ? Your driving like your in Fast & The Furious ! your going 75 in a 20 mile zone. You could get a ticket, and even worse i could die ! " I say to him in a duh tone!

" I always drive like this" He says so calmly

"Well your not going to be driving like this with me in the car. So can you please so down."

After asking Aaron like five times to slow down, he finally did. After getting Aaron some breakfast from Mcdonalds, we pulled up to Grendale high and the first thing i thought was that it is HUGE !! I jump out the car right after Aaron and follow behind him. He walks up to  group of people, i guess these are his friends. I keep walking a little bit closer until im standing beside Aaron and facing all of his friends.

"Everyone this is Tori my new step-sister, and Tori this is everyone." Aaron says trying to make me feel welcomed.

"Hey I'm Ryder"

"I'm Alexandera but you can call me Alex" This very pretty long brunette says.

"Im Hayden"

"Im Cory"

"Im Courtney"

And i turn to look at one last person which was someone i had already met.

"Hey babe, remember me ? We have already met. "

" Of couse i remember you " I saw with a smirk. " Your the guy i punched in the face yesterday" I say to him in a serious tone.  I noticed that everyone over here was laughing.

"Did you really punch him ? " Ryder asked me laughing. But before i could answer, Aaron started speaking.

"Yeah man, only if you couldve seen it. She punched him so hard his lip started bleeding. " Aaron says in between laughs.

"And why are you laughing Aaron ? " I say before pulling out my phone and showing everyone a picture of Aaron in his Rubber Duckie boxers. Aaron tried snatching my phone but it was too late. Everyone that was around us had already say the picture and was laughing. I looked up to see Aaron with a mad face.

"Aww is the little boy mad i showed everyone a picture of him in his boxers ?"

"Hell yeah im mad !"

"Well good ! That's what you get for knocking me on my ass this morning" But before Aaron could reply the bell had rung for everyone to report to class.

Since i was new here i had to go to the front office and get my schedule. Aaron tried to come with me but i just told him to go to class because i didn't want him being late on his first day back. After walking around lost for about five minutes, i finally had made it to the front office. After giving the women at the desk my full name and birthday she finally gave me my class schedule. But before i had open the door she told me to have a seat.

"Why do i need to have a seat ?" I asked worried

"Oh, sweetie because you don't know where your classes are and im a have a student show you were they are so you don't get lost." But before i could say anything, in walks this tall blonde haired muscular guy.

"Mrs. Cane, you called for me ?"

"Yes, Toby i was hoping you could show this young women Tori where her classes are ?" Mrs.Can point behind him to me and he turns around with a huge smirk on his face.

"Sure." He walked over to me and i got up following after him walking down the huge hallway.

"Hey, Im toby"

"Hey, im Tori. Im new here"

He chuckles a little before saying "Yeah i can kind of see that.. What's your first class ?"

"Umm Technology with Mr. Pratt. "

"I have that too, so you can just come with me and i will show you to the rest of your classes later." He say's to me but before grabbing my hand and interwining it with his. I had to admit though when he grabbed my hand it made me feel safe. It made me feel like i could trust him. We keep walking down the hallway until we stop at a door that has 206 written on it. Toby opens the door and we walk in together. Toby hands the teacher my schedule, but before we sat down i saw basically everyone in the class looking at me and Toby hands. Feeling weird about the whole thing, i snatch my hand from Toby and take a seat hoping that i just didn't start a rumor or anything.

When the bell run for us to be dismissed from our first period, i decided to get someone else to show me to my classes because i really don't need anybody else staring at me. While walking down the hallway i noticed Courtney talking to Alex. I walk over to both of them hoping that one of them knew where my next class was. Thankfully Alex knew where my next class was and she showed me to my math class. Seeing that I really didn't like Math and today was the first day of school, i wasn't listening. Because on the first day of school all the teahers do is talk about what we are going to be learning. But I couldn't pay attention to him because my mind was somewhere else. I was thinking about the whole thing with Toby. Why would he just walk into class like that holding my hand and we just met. I don't understand. Before i could finish my train of thought the bell rung for everyone to go to lunch. Seeing that i didn't know where the lunch room was, i just followed the crowd. Walking through the lunch line and then getting my food, i tried to find somewhere to sit. Loooking around the whole cafeteria but then i hear a loud voice call my name. I look over to where the sound was coming from and see Courtney and Alex telling me to come sit with them. Seeing as i didn't know anybody else i just went and sat with them. Walking over to the table i noticed everyone from this morning sitting at there. After i take my seat i noticed that Aaron looked pissed about something but i didn't pay it no attention.

"Your so lucky Tori" Courtney says to me like im suppose to know what she meant by that.


"It's your first day here and you already getting guys" Alex says to me with a pouty face.

"What are you guys talking about ? " i say confused

"We heard about you and toby" Courtney says to me and before i replied i looked up and saw that every pair of eyes were on me.

"What about me and Toby ? " I say with a confused look on my face.

"That you guys walked into class together holding hands." Alex says to me with a smirk on her face

"Oh, you got it all wrong. There is nothing going on between me and Toby. He was just showing me to class."

"Then why were you guys holding hands i heard a familiar male voice ask me.But i didn't want to look up because i already had knew who it was.

"I don't know he just grabbed my hand" And before i could say anything i heard the bell and saw a very mad Aaron getting up from the table.

The rest of the day just flew by. But i just couldn't stop thinking about why Aaron was so mad. The ride home from school was so quite that you could hear our hearts beating if you wanted to. I wanted to know what was wrong with him because i've never seen him like this before. I wanted to text Courtney and see if she knew what was wrong with him but i don't want her to assume that i like Aaron, even if i kind of think i do.

I know that it's wrong for me to have a little crush on my step-brother. That's why i haven't said or done anything about it because i just want it to stay a crush and that's it. I figure that if it goes away then i don't have anything to worry about. I mean Let's face it, everyone gets a dumb crush every once in a while.

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