On the table, there was a giant, 3D map of what I assumed was the maze. I mean, what else would it be?

"So, Y/N, Newt, Minho and Thomas have been explorin' the Cliff, which you probably already know. Y/N, you had some weird shucked-up dream."

"Vision," I corrected.

"Right," he said. "You said that it felt like someone was controlling it?"

I shuddered, remembered the feeling of someone manipulating my thoughts. "Yeah, it didn't feel like what a dream was. It was almost as if someone was making me see what they wanted me to see."

Alby nodded. "Which means it was probably the shucking Creators. Just think, the greenie comes up here with that note, and the box stays put,"

"And then," Newt cut in, "Y/N has a vision about escaping the maze. It seems that the bloody Creators want us to leave pretty soon."

"That's what we think," Alby said.

"So why do you need me?"  I asked, biting my lip.  I knew that I wanted to leave this shucked Maze, but I was also wary at the prospect of what could lay outside.

Minho cleared his throat and stood up from the wall that he was leaning against.  His face was sullen, and his arms were crossed, veins bulging from his biceps.

"Since you have a 'vision' about leaving the maze through the Cliff, we've been looking at it everyday. We've been tryin' everything we can- even chucking shucking rocks of the side.  We found nothing."  He glanced over at Alby, who nodded.  "So, we were thinking, maybe you could come out with us from now on, to see if you can find anything we can't." 

Newt jumped of his stool, but winced when he landed on his leg.  His face quickly twisted into anger and annoyance.  "Absolutely not.  Nope.  No way." 

"Newt," Alby started.

"No," Newt snapped.  "It's not safe. The Cliff is where the bloody grievers come from!  There's no way she's going out in the maze. She's not even a runner."

Thomas got up from where he was sitting silently in the corner.  "Then make her a runner." 

Alby just sighed and shifted his weight to his other foot.  He glanced at Minho.

"Sure, why not?"  Minho said.

Alby looked back at me with his tired eyes.  "Fine.  Starting tomorrow, Y/N, you're a Runner."

Newt threw his hands up in the air.  "Did you guys even bother to ask her what she wants?   Y/N, what do you think?"

I didn't answer right away.  I had been frozen in place ever since Minho suggested the idea.  My heart was beating against my chest so hard that I was surprised it didn't break a rib or two.  "Well, um, I guess since I'm a runner now, I have to.  I mean, I'm the only one who knows exactly what it was like in the Cliff.  I'll do anything I can to help get us out of here."  As I spoke, the words became more authentic.  A sudden rush of confidence and power washed over me, warming me to my bones.

Thomas looked over at Newt.  "Newt, this is the farthest we've ever gotten to escaping this place.  We've gotta follow any lead we can.  If you're scared about her not being safe, I can promise you, she'll be okay with Min and me."

I rolled my eyes.  "Can you not talk about me like I'm not here?"  I turned to Newt.  "Listen, I can take care of myself.  And if I have a chance, even just a sliver, of getting us all out of here, I've got to take it.  I would rather die knowing I brought freedom to a group of boys, than be a coward and throw away the chance of liberating all of you."  

"I'm right here, Love."  TMR Newt x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now