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Hey all you wonderful readers!

Welcome to the second chapter of this Craig x Reader multi-chapter fanfic! I hope that you are all enjoying the series and will continue reading but for those of you that don't then it's fine, as long as you know that it wasn't the right story for you. Alrighty then enough of the introduction, let us head forth to the story! Please enjoy and don't forget to comment!


Angel, over and out! 




Reader's P.O.V 

" Welcome to your morning announcements, with your host - Eric Cartman!" an anonymous voice resounded throughout the stage after the introduction of the show was played. I'm currently sitting upon a comfortable, crimson red love seat who's form brought me closer to my new 'boyfriend' Craig Tucker. 

" Hello ladies and gentlemen, today we are going to be replaying clips of Wendy Testaburger's epic fails, which were taken from a secret, hidden video camera placed at this school by the government. Although, before that, we have here a 'couple' that are a part of a very interesting game. Craig, (Y/N) would you please open our minds to the game you play with your 'loved one'?" Cartman asked. He was garbed in a pinstripe suit, his collar adorned by a red tie and was seated in an armchair before us that was angled slightly towards the camera as well as the love seat I was seated upon. 

" Well Cartman, Craig and I are playing the 'Love Game' together and it is a game that allows two people of the opposite gender to pretend they are in a relationship and whoever falls for the other person first is the loser! It's as simple as that basically." I explained, my full attention placed upon Cartman as I intertwined my fingers with Craig's long slender ones. 

"Hmm, that seems interesting..." Eric commented. 

" Oh, it is." I agreed, glancing at Craig. He was facing Cartman and allowed me to lean into him as he moved his hand away and wrapped it around my shoulder, pulling me closer to his form. Snuggling closer to him, I wrapped my arms around his torso and smiled brightly. 

" Now I have heard that there are certain consequences for the loser?" Cartman question, fully interested of the fact that one of us had to suffer during the game play. 

" Well, yes. I have to smile if I lose but if (Y/N) loses then she has to expose her deepest secret to the entire school..." Craig announced as Cartman bobbed his head up and down with a devious smirk playing upon his lips.

" Well, what better way to expose your secrets, (Y/N), then through the morning announcements!" Cartman suggested as I nodded, " awesome... well, now why don't we go through the day's timetable as this lovely 'couple' make there way to class and after that we start the clips!" the camera was now focused upon Eric as Craig and I silently made our way out of the studio and into our separate classes; we have several classes together and a few without each other. 

" I'll see you at break." I said, giving him one last squeeze as he patted my head, staring down at me due to his superior height against mine. 

" Yeah, I'll see you then..." he trailed off as I let go of him and was about to enter my classroom before he slammed me against the wall, a small, high-pitched squeak escaping my mouth as he did so, " and you aren't allowed to look at any other guy and only think of me until then, OK?" he asked his voice still monotone. He was leaning so dangerously close to me that I could feel his minty breath fan my warm cheeks with his lips almost brushing against mine; it was so tempting to lock them with my own but I restrained myself, figuring the aim of his plan of seducing me with his sexy attitude. He thinks I'll give up that easily? Well, tough luck for him because I won't, I have to see him smile first! Though, if he thinks he can wrap me around his little finger that easily then two can play at that game. 

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