01| It'll Be Alright [ imagine ]

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Let's begin with some sad fluff, shall we?

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You held the collar in your hand, clutching it tightly as you tried holding back your tears

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You held the collar in your hand, clutching it tightly as you tried holding back your tears. They seemed to flow like waterfalls. However your eyes were red and puffy enough. You didn't want to keep crying. But you couldn't help yourself.

Your beloved golden retriever Peter died this morning. He was already old, and you've known him for forever. You knew that he'd been weak these past few days, but you were never really able to prepare yourself for the loss. He's stuck with you through thick and thin, not to mention the fact that he was the last gift your father ever gave you.

Memories of you and the mutt started rushing in again. You already missed his soft goldish-brown fur, the way he jumped and barked when he'd hear your footsteps outside your apartment, even the way he destroyed your shoes and hats. You chuckled at the memory of him carrying various pages of Newt's manuscript in his mouth, running off to you to hide.

You brought your hands to your face and sobbed, this time not as quietly as you did before. Your boyfriend Newt came running in the room, alerted by the sound of you crying. But when he saw you, he could only stop by the door. It tore him apart seeing you like this. He knew how it felt to lose a creature, even someone or something you held dear.

He walked towards you slowly and carefully, expression changing once he saw you clutching Peter's collar. You looked so depressed, and it pained him almost physically. He took you in his arms and you clutched the back of his shirt. You were a total wreck now, tears falling uncontrollably. It heavily stained his white button-up.

"There, there. It'll be alright." He coos, stroking your messy hair. "I'm here, love. I'm right here."

"I'm sorry." You choked back, lifting your head to meet his eyes. "I know I shouldn't be crying and dwelling over this but I loved him so much and I-"

"Shh," He said quietly, bringing your head back to his chest. The feeling of his steady heartbeat brought comfort to you somehow. "You have nothing to apologise for. He was a great friend. I know."

You couldn't really reply. You just kept crying. Crying and crying and crying. It was dreadful to Newt's ears. You were usually very happy and very energetic, and hearing you break like this tore him apart. His hand was now rubbing circles onto your back, easing the dizziness of your head. You've eventually grown quiet but he could still feel tears pouring on his chest.

He picked you up gently and walked to your shared bedroom. Your arms were around his neck and your face was still buried in his chest. He placed you on the bed and wrapped a blanket around you, planting a sweet kiss on your forehead after that. He produced his wand and flicked it in the air, sending a bunch if floating plates to levitate into your room minutes later.

You sniffled, rubbing your nose slightly. As the plates went into view, you could see that they had your favourite sweets in it. The other plate had cookies and biscuits, the ones you loved. A basket flew towards you too, holding your dear friend Jacob's best pastries. A mug hovered over your lap, which you gladly accepted. You knew it was the sweet tea you loved so much because of the smell.

Newt watched it all, a small, yet still pained smile in his face. He placed your loose hairs behind your ears and gave you another kiss on the forehead. He held you close, rubbing your arms and whispering things to comfort you.

"Thank you." You said quietly, smiling weakly. "He's in a better place now, right?"

"Right." Newt sighs, resting his head on your shoulder. "Think of it this way: he won't have to be bothered by the Niffler anymore. I'll bet he's enjoying his peace and relaxation right now."

You chuckled at this, which made Newt's heart flutter. Your laugh had always been music to his ears, and it was now, more than ever. "Think of all the naps he'll be able to take."

You and your boyfriend laughed, giving each other sweet kisses on the lips and cheeks. He was relieved to see you giggling and laughing again. He knew that you wouldn't be able to get over this as quickly as he wished, but he promised that he'll be with you no matter what.

"Do you remember that time he ate half the pages of my manuscript?" He piped up, making you chuckle rather loudly.

"Yes, I do. Or what about that time he chased the Niffler all whilly-nilly in the case?"

"He made a mess!"

You giggled, burying your face in his chest. You wanted to cry again, but you didn't want to ruin the moment. There was silence for minutes, but it was comforting. You allowed it to engulf you and Newt into oblivion, enjoying the peace. "What about the time he made us meet?"

Newt sighed, now soothingly stroking your hair. "How could I ever forget." He then plants a kiss on your head. "I owe him alot, too. If he didn't decide to steal my wand that day and run to you, I never would've met the most perfect girl in the world."

This time, your tears were silent. They simply slipped off your cheeks and fell to his shirt. You held him tightly, not daring to let go. He was the world to you, and you knew you were his. Your dog's soft barks echoed through your thoughts, but so did the lulling voice of your beloved.

So you two just laid there, and it felt like forever. And thank goodness it did.


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