Chapter 1

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I woke up to the sun shining in my eyes, causing me to groan and reached over to my nightstand to grab my phone, wondering what day it is. When I unlocked my phone, it said that today was Saturday. I sighed as I rolled out of bed and dragged myself over to the bathroom to take a shower. As soon as I cleaned up, I threw on a pair of skinny jeans, a black tank top with a green flannel over it, and threw my hair into a messy bun. As I walked out of my bathroom, getting ready to make breakfast. I looked outside and noticed that the sky was getting dark. 'Strange, the weather report said that there'd be no storms today.' I thought as I cautiously made my way to the kitchen.

Before I could even cross the threshold to my kitchen, a loud clap of thunder followed by a flash of lighting happened which caused me to yelp and practically fall over on my ass. 'There's no fucking way there's a storm happening right now.' I said to myself as I tried to calm myself down and shakily stood up. As soon as the thunder and lightning appeared, it disappeared, followed by a knock on the door. 'Thank God it's only Thor....' I sighed as I fixed myself and went to go open the door. When I opened the door I was greeted by being pulled into a spine crushing hug and a loud voice bellowed, "Lady Jay! It's so nice to see you again!" 'T-Thor.... You're c-crushing m-me.' I managed to say as I tried to wiggle out of his grasp.

He then let go of me, almost causing me to fall on my ass, again, and tried to catch my breath. Thor then patted my back and said, "How have you been Lady Jay?" I then stood up straight and said, 'I'm well Thor. What brings you back to Earth? Miss me that much?' I smirked at my last comment, slightly teasing Thor. "Ah, still haven't actually talked yet, eh? Despite the fact that I do miss you as well as the others, I actually have a favor to ask you." He replied, visibly getting slightly uncomfortable and awkward.

I slightly tilted my head, getting suspicious and said, 'What kind of favor Thor.' He started to get visibly more uncomfortable to only slowly step out of the way to reveal the last person I'd ever want to see.... Loki. My eyes widen as my anger began to quickly boil but I managed to keep my cool and said, 'Thor..... What is HE doing here?' He nervously chuckled and said, "Well, I came here to place Loki to start his punishment and no one wanted to take him so you were... my... last.... option....?" I sighed, visibly stressed and upset but said, 'Fine.... He can stay here in my care for how ever long his punishment. WHICH I DON'T WANT TO KNOW!' Thor jumped when I raised my voice towards the end and I couldn't even bring myself to look at Loki.

Thor quickly raised his hands in surrender and quickly said, "Alright, I won't say anything else! You'll just be watching him for a while and showing how Earth works and whatnot like I did when I was banished." I just sighed and nodded as the silence got slightly awkward until Thor turned to Loki and began unlocking his restraints saying, "Loki's magic has been stripped so he won't be able to escape or anything by using magic. My only thing is please don't kill him. Knowing how you were when he escaped." 'No promises Thor.' I flatly stated as I shot a death glare towards Loki.

Thor was still pretty tense but once he removed his restraints, he then looked at me once again and said, "Lady Jay.... Loki is now in your care. Again, please don't kill him. And I'll do my best to stop by every couple of weeks to check up on the both of you." I simply nodded, my arms crossed and still slightly distressed. Then I was once again pulled into a hug, but a gentle hug. I stiffened in surprise but hesitantly hugged him back. 'I'll do my best to show Loki how Earth works and..... I'll try not to kill him.' I said as we pulled away from the hug. We said our good byes and as soon as Thor left. I stood there... trying to take in the fact.... that I was alone.... with the God of Mischief....

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