Chapter 4:

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Chapter 4:

I was thinking of killing my brother.

"Kendall you doofus," I called him as we stood outside the RV.

"Jazz," he sighed, running a hand over his face. "I'm sorry, alright. Let's just figure something out. Now is not the time to get riled up."

"Are you joking?! Now is the perfect time to get riled up," I disagreed. "My boyfriend just broke up with me, we're in the middle of nowhere, and we have no gas!"

"Sweetheart, chill," Hazel soothed, coming up next to me and rubbing my arm. "We're not completely stranded." I - becoming unladylike - snorted and rolled my eyes.

"Hazel, we're stuck in the desert!" I waved my hands wildly to prove a point. "And there's nobody for miles." I stretched my hand to the great expanse of land.

"Alright." She took my hand. "Let's go in the RV, k?" She pulled me up the stairs and into the already heated vehicle.

"This sucks," I groaned as I sat down on the couch built into the RV. "This is such a mess." I covered my face with my hands and rested my elbows against my knees. "What are we gonna do, Hazel?" I heard her sigh and then the couch bounced up and down as she sat next to me.

"Well, I guess we'll have to draw straws to see who gets eaten first."

"Hey," I chided, bumping her shoulder with my own. "Shut up." She laughed and her cheery green eyes gazed into my blue ones.

"Just relax, Brad and Kenny will get us out of this. They're not that stupid."


"What the hell am I supposed to do with this?" I groaned as Kendall held up the jacket.

"It shades you, Dumby." Hazel whacked him upside the head as she explained.

"Who put him in charge to fill the tank," Brad whispered to me. I gave him a look.

"You did, Moron." I shoved some water into his chest.

"Alright," Hazel began. "We're gonna have to start walking. We can follow the tracks our tires made into the ground until we reach a hotel or something."

"What," Kenny whined. "That's so far."

"Put up and shut up," I ordered him. "It's your fault we're in this situation. We don't even have reception so we're walking until we can call someone, clear?" He looked to the ground and kicked some sand. "After that we'll get someone to drive us back when we have some gas."

"When did you two girls become in charge," Brad asked. Hazel smirked at me.

"Since you two so called men screwed up. We're going to teach you how girls do it. The correct way."

We set the boys to work as fast as possible. We gathered the backpacks we brought and filled them with preserved food and water. We stuffed our pockets with our phones and whatever money we brought with us.

"Can you put the sunscreen in your backpack," I asked Brad as I handed him the spray. He nodded and took it from my hands, his fingertips brushing against my own.

"We'll be okay, you know that, right?" I looked down at him as he stood up to his full height. Some sweat was on his chest, and he smelled of his deoderant and his natural musk.

"I know," I replied. "I just wished we weren't in this situation." He smiled and squeezed my arm.

"Me too." He turned back to continue packing, and I searched the rest of the RV for what we needed. I grabbed some clean underwear and TP, choosing to skip out on my lotions, only because Hazel told me they'd waste space. I did manage to put in some chapstick, though. I also used the last of my space for deoderant.

"Kenny, do you have another backpack we can use," I asked him as I laced up my tennis shoes.

"Yeah, here." He tossed me a smaller backpack, and I looked for other stuff we needed. Eventually I just stuffed the bag with a hairbrush we could all use, a dish towel for drying the sweat, some sunglasses, and extra pairs of socks.

"We ready," Hazel asked. I looked around to see each of the boys carried two backpacks and that Hazel and I had our backpacks plus a bottle of water each we could use only for today and tomorrow, sharing. We didn't know how long we'd be walking and we wanted to use only what we needed.

"As we'll ever be," Kendall admitted. "Don't split up at all," he warned. I turned back to look back at the RV. If we stayed here, would anybody find us? Probably not for a while.

"Let's go," I said. "The longer we wait the more we waste time." Then we set off, with Kendall in front, Hazel behind him, me next, then bringing up the rear, Brad.

"Don't stray behind," I told him. "I wouldn't want to lose you." I smiled teasingly at him and he grinned at me.

"You'll never lose me, Jazz." He massaged my shoulder for a second before nodding me forward.

Here we go, I thought.

With Himजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें