"Chris, it's been a few," she laughed, knowing that he must be needing her help. "What's up?"

"I need your help with something."

Levi listened to his directions, before rushing into the car and turning the engine on. Speeding out of the parking lot, she didn't catch the hungry and vicious look that Monroe was sending her way.


"Major Delane is my contact at Camp Robertson. I'm surprised he didn't tell me about the change in protocol," Chris said while Levi stood on his flank. He had already told her his suspicions about these men he was meeting with being frauds, but he was wanting to figure out who they were working for.

"Well, the Major got promoted and was promptly shipped overseas," one of the men answered, looking Levi up and down as he sized her up. Something as small as her would be easy to take down, making him and his men wonder why the Argent had brought her to the gun exchange.

"Huh? Didn't know the Army worked that fast," Levi told them, Chris catching on to the ploy that she had just set up. He allowed his hand to fall to his gun holster as the man in front of them laughed slightly, trying to act natural.

"They do when they want to."

Chris laughed, before his expression fell serious. "The Major's not Army, he's a Marine. Who sent you? Who's buying all this weaponry?"

"We don't need to have a situation," the man told him, his finger nervously tapping at the side of his assault rifle. Levi sized the four men up, ignoring the one that Chris had informed her was his inside man. If she was quick, she could make take them all out before a single gun was fired.

"We already do. See, I don't sell to weekend warriors. You want these guns, you'll answer my question!" Chris ordered the men, slamming the gun case that was behind him shut.

"We're taking the guns, and the ammo, and the crates."

The fake soldiers raised their guns, allowing for Levi to almost scoff. She could feel the burn in her eyes that was keeping her red iris at bay. One flash of them, and she knew that everything would change. But she was just waiting on the signal from Chris.

"If you knew anything about guns, you'd know they're not loaded." The men ignored his comment, simply reaching into their pockets and pulling out their own ammo. Levi stirred at Chris' side, knowing that this certain changed the odds of them winning in a fight.

"We brought our own."

"And he always has a backup plan," Levi smirked, waiting for their guy on the inside to fire his weapon at the others. When that didn't happen, and they heard a body hit the ground behind them, Levi and Chris turned around to look at where the noise had came from.

"What the hell are you guys doing here?" He asked, his eyes almost popping from his head as he looked at Scott and Malia. Levi sighed, rubbing at her head as she noticed Malia's foot on top of their inside man's chest.

"We're your backup!" Scott grinned, proud of his timing. He shared glances with Levi, but knew better to question why she was there.

"I had a guy on the inside," Chris deadpanned, sighing as he looked at the two supernaturals.

"Who?" Malia scoffed, not believing him.

"You're standing on him."

There was a short moment as everyone looked at the man on the ground before the guns were cocked.

"Get down!" Chris yelled, pulling Levi down behind a stack of crates with him as Scott and Malia dived for cover from the bullets. Levi breathed heavily, before taking the pistol that Chris had extended to her. He looked over at Malia motioning for her to grab the inside man and move him to safety. The were coyote shook her head, causing the three others to groan.

Chris and Levi shared a glance, jumping to their feet as they fired at the men with the rifles. It was remarkably easy to take them down, and with a little help from Scott and Malia, they had done it rather quickly.

Chris raised his gun to the head of the last man standing. "Who are the guns for?"

Levi saw the grenade fall first. She jumped backwards, yelling out as she grabbed on to Scott's shirt, tugging him away from the blast. The two alphas fell over, but luckily avoided the gas. They all jumped back up to their feet just in time to see a car drive away from the scene quickly, the tyres screeching as it went.

"For the record, I had everything under control," Chris said to Scott and Malia, causing Levi to snort a little at his indifference to their appearance.


"How did you find me?" Argent asked, sending a small accusing look towards Levi. The girl raised her arms, shrugging as she tried to symbol that she was taking no part in their tracking of the man.

"He did it," Malia shrugged, pointing to Scott.

"You left your computer in the bunker."

There was a moment before Chris and Levi both realised how Scott had easily got into the man's laptop. He was never really one for having a good password.

"Ah. I guess I need a new password."

"Allison?" Levi asked, a sad smile on her face as she thought about her best friend.


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