1) Buses and Journals

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~~~(Y/n) POV~~~

I was on the bus, looking out the window, just kinda lost in thought.

'Oh my Alia, I can't believe it's the first day of school for my sophomore year! I'm gonna be able to drive soon!' I just couldn't believe it, I mean it seemed that only yesterday I was a quiet 8th grader. I mean I'm still pretty shy, but now I'm a 10th grader!

'I wonder if I'll meet anyone new? I mean I like my friend circle- er triangle, but it would be nice to meet new people...' I was kinda nervous, even if I went to this school for a year already.

"Hey, (Y/n)! Hellooo I know you space out, but c'mon" I snapped out of my trance as I saw Liana waving a hand in front of my face.

"Huh? What?" I looked over to her confused, in turn she rolled her eyes and pointed out the window.

"We're at school... we have to get off the bus now." She then pointed to the bus driver who was patiently waiting for us to get off.

"Oh! I'm so sorry Ms. Jennifer!" I got up dragging Liana with me.

"Oh it's alright, I know it's the first day back and everything~" Ms. Jennifer was always so understanding. I dragged Liana the rest of the way to the Cafeteria, and then setting down our bags at our usual table. Of course we'd get breakfast and then chat about the summer, Liana went to Japan over the break and I wanted to hear all about it.

"So what was Japan like!? I wanna hear all about it. I mean I watch tons of anime, but that's only a small glimpse of what it's like other places!" I was practically jumping in my seat, I couldn't help it, the whole time she was in Japan I never got a chance to talk to her since she was so busy.

"Calm down speedy me-gee, I kept a journal while I was there~ Cause I wouldn't remember every little detail by the end of summer." She pulled out a small notebook and slid it across the table like one of those secret agents.

"Now remember all of this is classified. We can't let the enemy know about this..." She said it all serious, I couldn't help but chuckle.

"Of course... we wouldn't want that~" I took the book and flipped it to the first page. There were drawings and dates, it was so organized. I was kinda jealous, but that's Liana for you. I continued flipping through the book.

"Oh my Alia! You did day by day as well!? You are the best Liana!" I gave her a quick hug and went back to the first page and read through it while Liana went on her phone. We sat in silence doing our own thing until we had to go to our classes.

A little itroduction to MC and her bestie! Hope this gets peeps intrested! 😙

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