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don't worry I haven't forgotten the story ;) just was on VK for a little bit but I'm back now though and so is a chapter. If you COMMENT COMMENT I'll dedicate the next chapter! Also this hasn't been edited, so feel free to point out grammar mistakes so I can fix em.

Before, in Millie's life, she'd been content — her sisters made her laugh and Drew would tickle her and throw her over her shoulder, and she could remember the happiness of being in her father's strong hands and her mother's lilac perfume. But the curse had always hung over her head, this hulking beast of destruction threatening to destroy her life.

After her parents had died, she'd always known, in the back of her mind, that someday, something would happen to her. She would fall in love and she would die, and her family would mourn her but they too would move on, and then the cycle would start up again.

Millie had always been aware her life had an expiration date.

But with Sam, she'd momentarily forgotten the curse and her life outside his car. She'd been truly, perfectly happy in that one moment...and had started the curse.

How beautifully ironic.

Millie put her head in her hands and her bag slipped off her lap, thumping against the floor. "Oh, my God, I'm so stupid."

"That's debatable," Brandon said, and she could feel him looking at her. She peeked out from between her fingers. "I'm still surprised Sam managed to start the curse." His smile was a borderline smirk. "I never thought he'd even get you to go out with him."

"It wasn't a date," Millie said almost automatically. She wasn't sure why she was being so defensive about it, really. Did it really matter if it was a date or just two people hanging out? Either way, Sam had managed to do something Millie had thought was previously impossible — make her completely happy.

It was something she thought she'd never experience.

Brandon's smile faded as if he was reading her thoughts. Immediately, she screwed up her nose and narrowed her eyes. If he was a witch, could he read her mind?

"I don't know what you're thinking," he said quickly.

Millie jumped, her hand rising to point a shaky finger at him. "And yet you know what I'm thinking."

"Too be fair, you're pretty easy to read." Brandon shrugged. "Look, I'm not trying to say I know anything about what you've been through or what's happened to you. I just know that right now, my best friend is involved in this. I wasn't even going to talk to you before..." Brandon looked away and cleared his throat. When he tilted is head, his eyes were glassy and his voice was rough. "But I love Sam, alright? And I'm not going to let him die just because he's ridiculously cool and managed to thaw your icy heart."

Millie didn't reply, mostly because he already knew the truth. Maybe Millie wasn't in love with Sam, but this was almost...worse. She'd caused her death, and maybe, at some point, possibly his, because of a second, a wisp, of happiness? At the very least, he shouldn't be dragged down with her because she was an emotional freak that had never been happy before.

Guilt crashed over her in waves. She didn't know how to fix what had happened, didn't know if she even could, but she had to try, right? If not for herself, for Sam and for her sisters and her uncle — even for Brandon, who, while managing to still be an asshole, made her heart stutter with grief, because he was right. Sam had done the unthinkable and had made her smile and now he was going to die.

Miss Tully, apparently tired of listening to the two teenagers talk, shifted on the couch across from them and cleared her throat loudly. Brandon and Millie both stared at her, twin looks of haunting on their faces.

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