Zach herron imagine-part 2

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PREVIOUSLY/zach wrapped his hands around my waist and was kissing my neck
A:zach what are u doing
Z:Ashley I love u
A:okay so do I,and
Z:let's do what people do when their in love
Z:because I want u
Zach kissed my sweet spot and I moaned his name loud enough that the boys heard it sounded like I was very uncomfortable 😣 so they all came running upstairs to check on me
C:zach water u doing bro
D:she clearly doesn't want to yet
A: yeah Zach what has gotten into u
Z:ughh guys shut up!!!
Zach put me on the bed and shut the door on the guys but corbyn snuck into my bathroom and Zach didn't see him neither did I at first my room was really dark the only light was the moonlight coming through the window
Z:hey don't worry u know we both want this
A:I don't
Z:u said u wanted it earlier
Z:no shut up just let me
He said that as he took his shirt off I was crying until corbyn came out of the bathroom ran over and pushed him off me I got up and ran to the corner and cried into my hands like this:

Corbyn came over and hugged me but picked me up and carried me downstairs a laid me on the couch everyone except for Zach came over and comforted me C:god why would he do thatD:that dude needs so serious helpJo,j:ikrA:GUYS JUST STOP ITS NOT HIS FA...

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Corbyn came over and hugged me but picked me up and carried me downstairs a laid me on the couch everyone except for Zach came over and comforted me
C:god why would he do that
D:that dude needs so serious help
C:what did u tell him
So I explained to him what had happened and they were all shook
C:oh u felt left out
D:hey Ashley it's ok I'm like 18 and I'm still a virgin and I'm not really jealous
A:I'm not anymore I just wanna stay virgin forever now form what just happened
Jo:you'll get over it soon I swear it's ok just we'll get Zach out of ur room and u can come with us we'll put him in his room
I go upstairs and Zachs in his room I go to sleep and wake up in the middle of the night to feel something cold on my waist I turn to look and Zach I there sleeping and tightly gripping my waist I couldn't move and I was starting to fall back asleep until he whispered in my ear
Z:hey babe I'm so sorry about what happened
A:it's ok just go to sleep
I quickly sat up I seemed really scared I could hear my own heart beating
Z:Ashley I'm just playing
A:oh ok😅
Z:just calm down
I laid back don't and me and Zach talked
A:guess what
A:ik what u really wrote on ur card that u were passing around and that ur still a virgin
Z:aw man who told u😂
A:the guys
Z:can we just make out
Me and Zach started making out and he found my spot again I moaned and one of the guys was running upstairs and seen him on top of me Daniel ran in and pushed him off of me
D:are u ok did he hurt u
A:I'm fine I was letting him dude omg
D:oh crap sorry Ashley I didn't know
C:is she ok did he do it again
A:no I was letting him we weren't gonna do any thing like that
I helped Zach back on the bed and the boys left and shut the door we continued on with making out and about an hour later
Z:fine but I wanna bring u some where tm so be ready
I woke up the next day and took a shower I put on a really cute romper and did my hair and makeup it looked like this:

i start walking down stairs and everyones up but I don't see Zach I look behind me to make sure he didn't sneak up on me this time but I wasn't paying attention to my surroundings and ran into Corbyn C:hey were are u going all dressed upA:idk Zach...

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i start walking down stairs and everyones up but I don't see Zach I look behind me to make sure he didn't sneak up on me this time but I wasn't paying attention to my surroundings and ran into Corbyn
C:hey were are u going all dressed up
A:idk Zach said he was bringing me somewhere today
C:oh ok is he here
A:I really don't know I haven't been downstairs yet
C: oh ok
I walk downstairs and see Zach on the couch I sit beside him
Z:there's my baby girl
A:there my daddy
Z:oh that's new
A:so daddy where are we going today
Z:well Mami I guess you'll have to figure out
D:Ashley it must be good he's been gone all morning
A: oh really
Z:damn Daniel shut up
I busted out laughing that's so old OMG I'm dead
Z:ANYWAYS let's go
A:Ok Should I change
Z:well yeah
I go upstairs and get changed into this:

Z:u look so hot in that A:thank uZ:ok let's go bye guys All th guys:byeMe and Zach got in the car I had no clue where we were going so I decided to take a nap but I was woken up by Zach holding my hand Z:oh sry did I wake uA:yea but it's ok were a...

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Z:u look so hot in that
A:thank u
Z:ok let's go bye guys
All th guys:bye
Me and Zach got in the car I had no clue where we were going so I decided to take a nap but I was woken up by Zach holding my hand
Z:oh sry did I wake u
A:yea but it's ok were are we exactly
Z:you'll see we are almost there
A:and how long have we been on the road
Z:uhhh about 20 minutes
I go back to sleep and about 10 minuets later I woke up and I was in the middle of the woods Zach comes to my side of the car and opens the door so I could get out
Z:get up sleepyhead
A:uhhhh zach where are we
Z:put on this blindfold
A:um ok
I put on the blindfold and Zach helps me get out of the car we were walking for a while so
A:Zach I'm so tired of walking can u carry me
So Zach carried me to the place I knew he stopped walking because I wasn't moving I was also standing up
Z:ok so u can take the blindfold off now
I did and I seen a place and some beautiful beach no one was there except me and Zach it looked like this:

Z:u look so hot in that A:thank uZ:ok let's go bye guys All th guys:byeMe and Zach got in the car I had no clue where we were going so I decided to take a nap but I was woken up by Zach holding my hand Z:oh sry did I wake uA:yea but it's ok were a...

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A:omg zach it's so pretty
Z:it's not as pretty as u
A:awww I love u
Z:I love u too
Me and Zach sat on the blanket thing and talked about stuff until it got dark we sat there and stared out at the ocean
A:I think u a-
He cut me off bye kissing me I sat in his lap facing him and u put his hands around my waist tightly and pull me closer he fell back I was on top of him

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