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Chapter Two //First Day Back To School

I woke up as usual, being greeted by the overly excited Dearil. I didn't feel like going to school and as if the summer went by way to fast. I did my normal morning routine, still being the lazy person I am.

I greeted my mom and two brothers downstairs as they were talking about sports and school clubs. They were only 2 years older than me. I sat at the dinning table, eating what was placed down in front of me.

I didn't bother to join the conversation as I wasn't so fond of sports. Rather, I decided to watch the news. The weather was going to be cool today, it says. Possibly some rain, which is surprising.

When I was finished with breakfast, I decided to head off with out my brothers since they took so long with their little chit-chat. It wasn't such a problem since my brothers new how to ride a bike and could catch up quickly, and/or speed on ahead. I didn't know how to ride a bike so poor me, having to wake up extra early to get to school at least on time.

My brothers came up from behind, greeted me, and then scattered off, trying to race each other. Immature boys.

Though, that gave me some time to talk to Dearil. He knows he doesn't have to be quiet but he still tries to be as he wants to be respectful. I admire that.

Once they were gone, he went off on how excited he was. It was kind of adorable actually; his little love for school.

That thought made me frown a little. I've always felt bad for him. How he died with out even getting a chance to breathe. It must suck really. I mean, he used to be able to ONLY go through walls, not touch nor pick up something. But as time went by and the amount of attention I gave him made him strong, he was able to pick up objects and touch people. It was a choice, of coarse.

Sometimes, I think about what will happen if he's able to go back to being human. Will he be reincarnated? Or will he stay the same age and I'll just have to figure out a lie for my parents to let him stay.

I don't think I have to worry about that now since if it took him this long to be this strong, I'm sure it'll take it way longer for him to be human.

Before we knew it, we were at school. We were actually early for once. Though, that's because we had a little race. I guess we're immature too, haha. I sat down in my seat next to the window.

Our school was strange, actually. The students stayed in the same class, same seats. I mean, sometimes we switch seats here and there but we haven't done that in a while, as everyone is happy with their seat. Our grades still went up, so it wasn't like we stayed in the same one every year. It was.. unique.

I stayed in my seat for 4 years. It was perfect, actually. It was by a window and the seat next to me and in front of me was empty. And I wanted it to stay like that until we got a new student.

We never got new students so everyone was shocked and curious. People were betting on the gender; what can you expect from a class with terrible grades.

I was even a little curious, though scared that the teacher would assign the new student next to me.

We waited as the teacher talking to the new student outside; some students trying to peak through to see who it was.

One of the girls managed to peak and instantly screamed out, "IT'S A GUY; A HOT ONE!"

Their reactions were fantastic. The boys; annoyed and scared as if they were going to be replaced. The girls; excited to flirt and flaunt their stuff for this one.

Even Dearil was a little worried. I didn't know exactly why but I just assumed he didn't want his seat taken. I'd look out the window, waiting for the teacher to finally come in.

And wow, time flew by fast because before you know it, the teacher called out to get everyone's attention. He then introduced the new student.

It was a tall boy with black hair, glasses, and for some reason, he made his uniform extremely formal. I looked over and literally every gender was drooling. I guess the guys found out their new sexuality today.

I crossed my fingers, hoping the new student wouldn't sit by me and wow, the teacher sure hates me. She placed the new student right in front of me after his introduction. I slumped in my chair, slowly crying on the inside.

Everyone just stared this way and the girls tried to ask to switch seats with me. Thankfully the teacher asked me if I was up for it and I quickly replied with a no.

I wanted to savor the last bit of greatness in my seat and I'm defiantly not going to let some thirsty thots try take it. ((LMAO IM SORRY, BUT ITS PERFECT.))


Aye, this chapter is longer. Woo! 2x longer! I'm pretty proud since I just whipped it out of my ass with no thought what's so ever. I'm actually quite motivated to go on with this and make a few art of it- So far I have some plans and I can't wait for this story to be finished! Oof, anyway, thanks for reading- have a   g r e a t    d a y

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2018 ⏰

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