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User81371821 "Hey could Dib and Zim be reading playing with fire?"

(Zim and Dib are on the computer at their skool and noticed that Mrs. Bitters wasn't paying no attention to what the students were on so they looked up random stuff and noticed something called zadr... and a comic of zadr called playing with fire.)

Zim- hey Dib stink what is that "playing with fire" thing?

Dib-Uh I honestly don't know it doesn't hurt to check it out though... (clicks on pwf link)

Zim-Is that suppost to be me and you?

Dib-Yes... wait what the heck is that?!

Zim-Ewww is that... kissing?!


Zim- (pukes)

Sorry that this took awhile to upload and that it wouldn't let me post a image on here... my computer is kinda acting weird sorry. 

I hope u still like it though :)  

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