Books/Web novels

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Yamada kun and the seven witches- 10/10 this is a fantastic manga series, has 243 chapters plus a extra numbered as 243.5, it does leave a couple things hanging such as you never find out how yamada got his copy power nor do you ever find out who the archaic recorder is as a couple of the bigger ones, but over all the story explains most things and is very intriguing, plus it has a shit ton of body swapping which is like one of my favorite things ever, would totally recommend this to anybody who loves comedy cute funny things that actually have interesting storys to them

Lv1 Skeleton-4/10 it's okay but also kinda confusing and annoying, has 156 chapters plus epilogue, starts out pretty interesting but he grows too quickly and a bunch of characters that you think will be important are just lefty behind and forgotten about after only a few chapters, also changes from fantasy to sifi and then back to fantasy but with sifi elements which is fucking weird to me and i didn't care for, but anyways it's ending is kinda sloppish, plots not great and while it has some interesting characters they are all forgotten pretty quickly after he puts them in due to the main character tossing everybody aside every so many chapters, all in all don't really recommend

Ookami Shounen wa Kyou mo Uso o Kasaneru-9/10 this manga is so fucking cute, like at first it does have a couple of annoying sexism creepy bits, but like that stops happening after he's been been cross dressing for a while, but yeah this is a cute story with great art and characters, my only real complaint is that while it's plot is pretty wrapped up at the end it's soooo short at only like 33 chapters or so and how the manga ends once his relationship with the person he starts dating like solidifies, without ever showing their future arguments or bumps in the relationship or anything, so yeah wonderful as is but I can't help but think it could have been better if it was drawn out more or gets a sequel or something

Madoromi-chan ga Iku-7/10 very short at only 24 chapters and no plot whatsoever but fairly cute and childish, would recommend to people who like slice of lives about a small child and their caretaker

Seishun Otome Banchou!-8/10 cute and funny with an original plot and interesting  chapters,super short tho and the plot ends very openly without any real closure

Dungeon defense- 10/10 It's super dark but the plot's extremely good and the character are interesting. IF your a very moral person who get's upset easily then don't read this however as it will probably trigger you considering the main character is reincarnated or a sort into a demon lords body and act's like a fucking demon lord. That is to say he's really not a good person lol. But I love him and all the other psychopaths in this series and really hope the 6th book comes out and it isn't dropped as the plot is no where near over. But anyways if it does come out I need to read book 6 next. 

Ore ga Akuma de, Aitsu ga Yome de- Super cute, and doesn't sexualize anything. Only 16 chapters but I would definitely recommend.

Netoge no Yome wa Onnanoko ja Nai to Omotta?- 10/10 very cute and funny, have only read through the first four manga books, wasn't able to find the light novels translated, need to read them or more of the manga once they come out/get translated 

Jitsu wa watashi wa- 10/10 super cute and funny, has 22 volumes coming out at 196 chapters. It is finished and does have an end with the majority of the plot wrapped up, but tbh I would love if it did a collage arc and it did leave a few smaller cliffhangers about side characters as well as the ending scene that introduces a new character, so would be lovely if we could get a second series at some point following the events after this one  

Toumei Ningen no Tsukurikata- 6/10 Mildly cute with an interesting art style, I actually quite enjoyed it but it's only 8 chapter and has already ended and wrapped it's plot up.

Let's meet at the witch gathering (Izumi Tomoki)- 7/10 Only a one shot with like 4 panels but the art style and story is super cute.

Dungeon Seeker- 4/10 Read the manga of it, only has 34 chapters but is pretty decent, not much plot and super rushed tho from what i understand the light novel is much more fleshed out with a very different story line so I might read that at a latter date, pretty dark i guess but more just hack and slash with op main character so not super interesting lol

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