Chapter Two || Nyla

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Airports are a mix of hospital smell and disappointment. Maybe I confuse hope with disappointment; nonetheless, it reaks. Some may ask why I would go with my best friend overseas to follow a boy. I wish it was that simple, it's not just so Steve can be happy. Some are open on feeling and love like Steve but others need a push. Apparently, my push was travelling across the world being forced to see him again.


"STEVE YOU CAN'T JUST TAKE MY HOMEWORK AND RUN. DO YOUR OWN!" I screamed at her as she ran to the other side of the room laughing with her silver hair flowing behind her. She quickly turned running to the other side of the room, I closely trailed behind her I could almost touch her back.

She stopped.

I skidded to a halt watching her turn again moving past me slightly brushing against my chest pushing me into what I thought was a wall.

I thought wrong. I turned around to see Daichi standing there looking down on me, I froze standing a foot in front of him. I had completely pressed my body against his, I can feel the blood rushing to my cheeks. My breathing ceased. I could feel my chest squeezing every last breath out of my lungs. He was still looking down at me the eye contact was becoming unbearable, how long had I been standing here? Why was breathing impossible?

I can't stand this. I ran. Left the room, out the door. Gone. The door finally in my reach.

"Nyla! Wait!" Steve yelled at me as I walked out of the school door yanking my windbreaker closer to my body as the breeze hit me. "Why did you just walk out, that's not like you. That's like me" Steve stopped behind me clearly distressed. I could still feel how hot my cheeks were from embarrassment. We are going to get in so much trouble for ditching. But I honestly couldn't care, I needed to be gone from that. I kneeled over, panting. Finally feeling the relief of oxygen in my lungs and cold fresh rain on my face. I seized in relaxation as I fell back on my butt to the wet ground surly wetting the bottom of my jeans.

I didn't care. I just needed to calm down, the rain cooled my overheated face. Steve was still standing behind me I could hear her panting.

"Why me?" I wheezed out angrily.

"I'm so sorry, this is my fault" Steve mumbled behind me. My head rested between my knees that were propped up.

"You're fine Steve don't worry. Just give me some time to cool off, okay?" I heard her sharply intake a breath.

"Okay, but text me if you need me, please"

I nodded. The rain had now completely dampened me. I slipped off my white gold toed sneakers and ripped my socks off. The rain seeps between my toes. I slowly stood up with my socks and shoes in one hand. I stared at puddles on the road. I felt a longing to jump in them releasing my stress out on the water splashing up and around my body. I ran to the puddles jumping in them shamelessly, with every jump my anxiety faded with the water bouncing back to the ground.

"Nyla!" I whipped my head around, the person I didn't want to see, Daichi. "Nyla be careful, WHY don't you have shoes on? You are going to get sick!" Daichi yelled as he ran to where I had continued to jump in the puddles.

"I'm fine, I don't need you to watch out for me." I sighed annoyed at my returning embarrassment.

"I'm going to watch out for you, we are friends isn't that what they do? Steve told me you were upset, I don't want you to be sad, tell me what I can do to help." Daichi slowed as he got to me, staring directly at me grabbing my shoulders abrasively. My breathing hitched in my throat suffocating me.

"Daichi...please don't, I just need this time alone."

"But you're going to get sick, don't be so careless." He sighed moving his arms from my shoulders to my waist picking me up, I struggled as he reached down to grab my shoes off the ground. Steve opened the door to inside the school, she had been standing there watching the whole time, I flushed once again with embarrassment. Keiichi stood behind her a few feet away, his white jacket in his hands. I hadn't realized I had been shivering until Daichi sat me on the bench just inside the school, Keiichi draped his jacket over me. My hair was plastered to my face wet and cold. Daichi's arms never left my shoulders, warmth radiated from him to me I was confulging in waves of shivers, my body wracking as the coldness dissipated.

"Nyla I think I should take you home, you don't look so good," Steve spoke slowly glancing at the office lady who nodded probably witnessing the whole event. I shakily stood up but soon realizing how weak I really was. Daichi caught me. "Please be careful" he whispered in my ear, I shivered releasing myself from his grip. Steve draped my shoulder around hers leading me outside to her car, grabbing my shoes from a frozen Daichi and returning the jacket to Keiichi. They both stood there frozen. I don't Steve or I had ever been so silent before. As the flushness seized I soon realized why this was so painful for me:

I have feelings for Daichi

*end of flashback*

Well, there is my secret, I've been in love with Daichi since the first rain of the year. I refused to tell anyone, still in denial, I couldn't possibly be in love, I'm only 17. Maybe that is why the airport gave me a sense of disappointment, I was disappointed in myself, unable to vocalize my feelings and be true what I feel, Daichi had always made it clear how he felt, I pushed him so far away, maybe I can get him back, I've I ever lost him.

"Nyla," a hand waved in front of my face, "We need to go get our bags and get a taxi to our apartment for the summer." I nodded. "Are you okay?"

"No...I'm terrified of what this summer could fold, achievement or failure, we'll never know until it's too late." She sighed at me.

"Don't worry." I nodded, "Let's go, this is going to be fun!"

My hyper best friend led me to the bag collection and then to our taxi. A long-awaited sleep beckoned me at our apartment.

I wrote this watching men's singles short program during the Olympics, honestly, I teared up a few times. Got to appreciate talent. My boy Yuzuru Hanyu represented and I'm so happy. I hope you enjoy I tried to bring in some drama.

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