Two - Highschool

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'"***RING!!*** (SCHOOL BELL)

There it was the glorious sound I couldnt wait to hear... the sound that would lead me to second period.. where I would get to walk with Ethan.. I put my books in my bag and stood up, I made my way to the door when suddenly

"Hey new girl, the name is Jack... " said some dirty blonde guy blocking my way out of the classroom

"umm hi.. im.." i tried to say until i got interrupted

"Mia, yea I know.. nice to meet ya.. hopefully I will see more of you.." he said in a creepy voice as he finally let me through..

"umm yea.. okay" I mumbled as i hurried along to make sure I didnt miss Ethan who was waiting for me at my locker

Good thing my locker was right next door to my homeroom, I hurried over and switched books just in time as I closed my locker door to reveal Ethan standing behind it

"Boo!" he shouted trying to scare me

"oohh.. " I said a little surprised

"did I scare ya?" he asked knowing I didnt seem okay

"no you didnt, I am just a little weired out.." I told him as I tried to not show the weired out look on my face

"what happened?" he asked all concern

"umm just some guy gave me the creeps is all.." I tried to act okay

"who? what did he say?" he said in a stern voice

" uhh his name is Jack.. he just said he hoped to see more of me.. i mean it just kinda gave me goosebumps is all" I tried to reasure him

"Stay away from Jack.. he is a total douche bag " Ethan said concerned

"why? whats wrong ?" I asked him seeing how upset that made him

" Just stay away from him please.. thats all you need to know.." He said snapping back a little bit trying to hold his composure

"yea okay.. I'm sorry" I said looking down feeling bad for what happened

"its not your fault.. he just isnt a good guy like he acts to be.. is all, lets head to class " he said touching my shoulder.. which gave me more goosebumps but the good kind

We headed to English, as we walked in I saw Grayson.. they looked so much alike yet were so different..

"Ethan!" Grayson yelled waving him down as we walked into the room

"This way.. " Ethan said grabbing my hand leading the way to the seats Grayson had saved for us

"Mia.. this is Grayson, Grayson this is Mia.." Ethan said as he introduced us

"Hey Mia!" he said nodding at me

"Hi ! " I said blushing..

There was something about Grayson.. I couldnt tell what.. but the way he smiled at me and said my name.. these two were completely gorgeous and way out of my league.. how was it possible that they both were single.. they seemed like great guys.. something didnt seem right..

Class was a bore but with the twins keeping most of my attention it went by pretty fast, the bell rang for third period, we gathered our things and headed to the next class, just then Grayson grabbed my arm

"Mia can i ask you a question ?" he asked

"yeah sure, what about ?" i asked intrigued

"well there is this girl I like, should I ask her out?" he said staring at me intently

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2019 ⏰

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