it will be ok

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I'm woken up by a loud thumping on my door I open the door and see my dad,he had suitcase in both of his hands.

"Well it's time for me to go"

And I slam my door,a couple days ago my mom finally had enough and kick him out today he came to get his stuff.

Soon I herd the sound of someone walking down the stairs
My body slowly slides down my door I bury my face in my knees.

The same questions that raced through my my head every time I was awake, what did I do rough,why did he leave me,can I have him back.

The worst think about this I haven't even told Ruby yet. I never can bring myself to.
She knows that I'm sad but she didn't know why,and it kills me.

I open my door and walk to Ruby's room and knock on the door she opens it.
A large smile plastered on her face.

"Is tweek back" my head lowered I could feel the tears.

I cover my face as the tears began to fall.

"Craig what's wrong"

"He's gone"I finally say

"Well yeah but he will be back right"

"Ruby h-h-he's dea-d"

Her smile disappeared "what"

"He's dead,dead,dead DEAD DO YOU GET IT HE'S GONE"

"no your wrong"

"This is one of your jokes,ISN'T IT WELL HA HA DID YOU GET YOUR BIG LAUGH,he can't be gone,is he really"

I nod
Tears cascade down her face,her face becoming red,she buried her face in my sweater as she cried.
I pick her up and carry her to my room she pushes her face into my shoulder as her crying became louder.

I sit on my bed her small body still clinging to me I stroke her head and rock myself side to side.

"It will be ok"

my angel (my pet what book two)Where stories live. Discover now