Chapter 2

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As we're walking down the road to Tess's apartment, I can see June analyzing just about everything. She tries to make polite small talk, but I need to think right now. Who was she before I forgot a year of my life?

I don't get to ponder it for long because we reach Tess's apartment. At least I remember Tess. For years we lived on the streets together like siblings. I wouldn't have lived through my many injuries over the years if Tess weren't there to heal me.

I force past June on the walkway and knock on the door. June stares at me like I'm gum on the pavement. I know it was rude, but I need to see Tess. The door opens, revealing the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. Long, dark hair pulled back into a braid. Below are big, brown eyes, a small smiling mouth, and the cutest little nose on the face of the earth.

I can't help myself. I reach over and bop Tess's nose. She smiles, then squeezes me as hard as she can. When she finally let's go, I can hardly breathe.

"Hi," she says nervously.

"Hi," I reply in the same nervous tone.

"Hey," Eden says from beside me. June walks up behind.

"Hi, June," Tess says with the slightest hint of distaste.

"Yeah," June says. Something tells me there's some bad blood between these two.

"Well, is anyone coming in, or am I going to have this feast all to myself?" We all laugh awkwardly at Tess's remark and walk inside.

The apartment is a lot less fancy than my house in Antarctica, but it must be like a suite to the Republic. We walk into a living room with a large, curved screen taking up most of the back wall. Facing the screen is a long velvet couch and two matching chairs. Behind the couch is a tropical aquarium. Above the aquarium is a portrait of Anden, the Elector Primo.

I sit with Eden on the couch while June takes a chair. Tess is in the dining room setting the table with expensive silverware and plates.

I decide I have to ask June. Her familiar yet strange face has been haunting me since I saw her on the street earlier. Here we go, I tell myself.

"Hey, June."

"Yeah Day - I mean Daniel?" So she knew me when I was Day.

"If you don't mind, could we, maybe, talk? In private? After dinner?" Gosh, I sound so nervous.

"Umm... sure." And that's all that was said.

Tess calls us into the dining room, and once I see the food, my stomach rumbles so loudly that I'm sure everyone heard it. There's a whole turkey laid out on the table. Surrounding it is every food you could ever want at a feast. Mashed potatoes smothered in gravy, corn-on-the-cob covered in melted butter, a huge dish of macaroni and cheese, and anything else you could think of. I rush to sit down and start stuffing my face. I had an early lunch.

The others sit down around me, and we start talking, mostly about the news. Other than that, the meal was pretty uneventful, unless you count Eden choking a little on his spit as an event.

"Bye guys!" Tess calls as we head out the door. I'm anxious to talk with June. Who was she before I lost my memory?

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