| Chapter Two ~ What Is She Doing? ~ |

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Noah's Pov
The gravel cried as our car slowed down and stopped. I stayed put, in the back seat, and didn't say a word. I didn't want to be there. I was wearing a stupid tuxedo and it was already dark outside. Why did I have to got o some stupid gathering? Just because I was the child of Mr and Mrs Erlick? I'll say, I wish I wasn't. My life was just go, go, go. Noah do this, Noah do that. I hated it. Why couldn't we just relax once in a while?

Besides, I didn't even know anyone at this party.

"Noah, please don't do this," my mother groaned as she stood at the window of the car. "It's going to be fun."

I ignored her. It wasn't going to be fun. It was going to be so boring.

"Noah!" My father yelled. "Get out of this car right now! You're coming whether you like it or not. You're just embarrassing yourself and us!"

Ugh. Slowly, I opened the car door and stepped up. My eyes wandered up as the cold air stung at my face. Woah. This place was huge! Great columns clung to the entrance of the building for support. It looked more like a castle than a house. It was indeed the biggest mansion I'd ever seen. Bigger than my house for sure.

"So, who's party is this?" I mumbled as we began to walk towards the front door.

"Gosh, Noah! You are forgetful," my mother replied, attempting to ruffle my hair, "it's the Nolet's."

"We're business partners," my father interrupted. "Alan, Mr Nolet, and I are working on a big project. Remember I told you about this Noah? About the shares? About the oil company in Texas? If they find oil, it'll be thanks to us and we'll be richer than ever!"

Somehow I couldn't help but feel disgraced to be his son. We already had money, why did we need more? Why didn't he donate it to some charity or something?

"Your father has told you this before," my mother sighed. "How are you going to complete business school if you can't even remember plans like this?"

I stayed silent. I didn't care for business school. My parents were sending me away in a few months time. I didn't want to go, but hey. What say did I get? I just wanted to live a normal life away from my parents. I didn't want to inherit my father's company. It just seemed so boring. Making money wasn't everything. I actually wanted to enjoy life; to experience the world.

The large doors opened as soon as we came close to them. A young man in a shiny suit was standing at the other side, a smile planted on his face. In one hand he was holding a tray of wine, probably a few hundred dollars a glass. My parents took a glass each, but I said no. I didn't want to get into drinking at eighteen.

We followed the maroon carpet towards a large room. A great chandelier hung in the middle of the ceiling, gently swinging back and forth. Classical music could be heard playing from a vinyl, and I almost went to sleep then and there.

My eyes wandered the room, only to see my mother and father scurrying off to mingle with some high end people. Couldn't I just go back to the car?

"Attention, attention!" A loud ringing sound entered my ears as I turned around to see some sort of stage with seven people standing there. "Thank you all for coming tonight. My wife and I really appreciate. Now, I just thought I'd introduce my sweet family to those who have not met them before!"

I rolled my eyes. Five girls stood there, ascending in age I assumed.

"This is our youngest, Sophia," Mr Nolet pointed to the small girl at the end.

She must've only been three or four. She had curly blonde locks that only reached her shoulder. A pink headband laid on her head to match her little prissy, pink dress. She looked as though she were wearing tap shoes instead of fancy shoes.

He continued to introduce each kid: Sophia, Luna, Louisa, Elizabeth and...and...Richelle. The eldest girl stood there in a tight red dress which showed off a lot of cleavage. How old was this girl? She had curly, long blonde hair which stretched out all the way down to her waist. I bet her face would've looked even prettier if she was smiling. In fact, she looked bored out of her mind.

I cocked an eyebrow as she flashed a fake smile. She looked....uncomfortable. Something wasn't right with this girl. She wasn't like her siblings. She seemed like she didn't want to be here.

"Richelle's going to be giving you all a special performance later on, right darling?" He smiled sweetly.

Her mouth opened into a slight 'o' shape.

"Pardon, father?" She replied.

Her voice was sweet, she must've been sixteen or seventeen. A little younger than me.

"A ballet performance, dear," he replied. "Wouldn't you all like to see that?"

Everyone cheered, but I just rolled my eyes. It sounded boring to me.

"Well," she piped up, "I'm so sorry but I don't think I should. You see, I was practising earlier and happened to twist my ankle. I don't want to strain it, so I can't perform today."

"Such a shame," I heard someone next to me murmur.

She was completely, blatantly lying! The way she spoke, the way she looked at her father. She wasn't hurt, anyone with sense could see that. It was almost as if she was getting back at him for something. But for what?

Hey everyone! This is my first book! Please could you tell me what you think of it? 💗

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