Chapter 2

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"You ready?" I asked Jace the next morning. He nodded with a slight smile, one that still, managed to make me feel a warm feeling inside. "Okay. This is going to be hard to explain to everyone." I say with a smile. "Come on, Zach went with Alec and Izzy to get something to eat."

When we got down there, Zach ran over. "Mommy! " He said which made Alec give me a weird look. I smiled and picked him up. "Hey buddy. Did you have fun while Izzy and Alec watched you?" He nodded

"How about, if you eat all your food we'll go to the park." Zach nodded and i put him down and he went back over to the table, as Izzy and Alec came over to us.

"He's your son?" Alec asked and i nodded. "Yeah. I'll explain it all later, and about the whole park thing, Jace is coming with me."

Alec didn't question it, as he just nodded and left.

About a half-hour later we were at the park. We played around a little bit, and i could tell that Zach was starting to really like Jace. Which is going to make it easier to tell him, that he was his dad.

When we came back, the three of us went up to my room. We explained to Zach the best we could, for a four year old, that Jace was his dad. It took a bit before he understood.

After we explained the situation to Zach, he hopped off the bed and gave Jace a big hug. Zach had a big smile on his face, which made me smile as i watched the two of them.


A few hours after I trained with Izzy, we were called to gather for a meeting about our next demon run. In other words, our next mission for the day.

"So, looks like we're going to a rave." Izzy says as she appeared in front of my door.

I nodded and then asked with a laugh "Can I borrow an outfit?"

She laughed and nodded. "Yeah. Do you wanna pick or should I?"

I smirked slightly, "I will, and you can tell me if it looks good or not."

The first dress I pulled out was a different taste to what I was used to wearing. (pic above) When I pulled the dress out, Isabelle gave me a weird look. Almost as if she knew why I picked this specific dress.

"Its not for what you think." I say with a smile. She just shook her head slightly. "Just put on the dress. Meet me by the computers when you're ready."

I quickly got dressed and did my hair, then went downstairs to where Izzy told me to meet her. Alec, Izzy, and Jace, were all down there waiting for me. When i came down Izzy shared a look with Alec and smirked slightly, and Jace's eyes lit up as he watched me walk up to them.

I shook my head with a slight smile. "Are we going to stand here all day staring at each other, or are we going to go get our job done?" I asked.

Jace cleared his throat slightly, then nodded. "Yeah. Yeah, lets go."

Once we walked out of the institute Alec and Izzy took the lead.

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