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The episode starts with Naira entering her office.

Naira entered her office. Everyone greeted her. She directly went to her cabin.

Naira started working when she got a call. Naira picked it up.

Voice:- Mam your work is done!

Naira:- Good! You will get your payment!

Voice:- Thank you Mam!

The call disconnected.

Naira:- Surekha Goenka today you will see your right place. Today I'll enjoy that drama.

Today was the presentation which Shubham has to present. Naira went to conference hall. Manish and Shubham were all ready. Kartik was also there.

Manish:- Sorry Ms Durga actually Shubham is still a little weak so we brought Kartik here to help.

Naira(calm):- It's Okay! I have no problem! After the presentation I'll decide abt investment!

Everyone settled. Shubham started the presentation. The presentation was going well. Shubham opened the last slide and it was a video.

Shubham himself was confused.

Naira:- Mr Shubham what happened? Play it!

Shubham:- Jee!

Shubham played the video. Everyone was shocked to see the video. Surekha doing theft in Goenka Villa. Manish was hell angry. Kartik and Shubham were shocked.

Naira(standing up):- Mr Goenka What's this? If I'm not wrong Mr Akhilesh she's your wife?

Akhilesh:- Yes!

Naira:- Then Why She is doing theft in her own house?

Manish:- We are really sorry abt this! We didn't know what's all this! Please give us some time!

Naira:- Sure! But can I say something?

Kartik:- Ya!

Naira:- I know it your family matter! But this is a serious matter. What if this video comes in the media? Be careful!

Goenka's left from there. Naira smiled evilly.

Naira went to her cabin and switched on the laptop and focused on the cameras of Goenka Villa.

She was eagerly waiting for Surekha's insult.

The scene shifts to Goenka Villa

Manish,Akhilesh,Kartik and Shubham entered inside the house.

Manish(shouting):- Surekha!! Surekha!!

Everyone came downstairs.

Suhasini:- What happened Manish?

Manish:- Ask Surekha What she did!

Surekha:- What I did?

Akhilesh:- You all come with me.

They all went to the room where locker was. Surekha was scared. Akhilesh opened the locker. Everyone was shocked to see jewellery absent.

Manish slapped Surekha.

Manish:- Whom you gave jewellery Surekha?

Shubham showed everyone the video. Everyone was shocked.

Suhasini held Surekha's hand and dragged her out. She threw Surekha on the road. Naksh and Keerti saw this. They were confused.

Keerti:- Dadi What happened?

Suhasini:- She is a theft.

Kartik told Naksh and Keerti everything. They too were shocked.

Suhasini:- Get lost from here Surekha!

Suhasini closed the door. Everyone went inside. Surekha got up and started walking when a can came and kidnapped her.

The scene shifts to Naira's office.

Naira:- Surekha Goenka now you will pay for your sins. Now you will realise that your so called chaaploosi brought you where! Be ready I'm coming!

It was evening 8:30 pm when Naira left the house. Naira sat in her car and drove away.

The screen freezes on Naira sitting in car.

Kaira ff-Ek Hasina Thi!! (Completed)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora