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Cass's pov

Beep. "agh!" I roll out off bed at 7 o'clock. I wake up to find Cristina laying in her bed still in her dress and heels.

I took oh her heels and layed them on the floor. I got my car keys and made my way over to the grocery store. I saw an ad for a marine biologist internship. I'm going to college to be a marine biologist so I called. I have an interview next Monday at 3pm.

I got bread, milk, and and a bunch of other food crap. I come back to my room to find the people from last night back in my room.

"Why the hell are you here?" I ask, I'm not up for this at the moment. Chris is still asleep. I hope she doesn't mind me calling her Chris.

"Were having a party tonight and she has to help so were waiting for her to get up." Zany explained yet I still didn't want them in my room.

"So call her when she wakes up! get the hell out!" I shout.

"Feisty one I like it." Niall said.

"whatever." I mumble to my self.

Chris woke up at that moment.

"What's going on here?" she said I think she could tell I was pissed.

"Tell them to get the hell out!" I screamed.

"Only if you come to the party!" she mocked me.

"Fine" I picked up my phone and text Tyler cause I was gonna give him another shot.

(T-Tyler. C-Cassadie)

C: hey

T: hey

C: do you want to got to a party tonight with me?

T: sure babe I'll pick you up at 8

I straitened my blonde hair and caked on my makeup. I put on a hot pink tee and jeans when Chris walked in.

"Honey no! give me that shirt." she got out a pair of scissors.

"Here!" she made it a crop top and she threw a pair of booty shorts with it.

"I'm gonna look like a slut!" I was right in that note.

"You look great!" she clapped her hands when their was a knock on the door. I thought no way it's Tyler cause it's 8:50 but sure enough it was tyler.

"Hey!" I say as he walks in and sits in my bed

"I'm gonna see ya there." Chris said "also it's at the frat house!"

"Ready to go?" I ask tyler. he got his keys and we got in his car.

When I walked into the house it was full of a alcohol. I was handed a red cup when I walked in

I took on sip and about threw up.

"What is this?" I ask trying to get the taste off my tung.

"Liquor?" Tyler laughed.

I saw Chris and she was motioning us over.

"Play beer pong!" she handed me a ping pong ball.

"I don't know how to play." I

Said and Tyler spoke up.

"I'm your partner and I'll show you the rest threw out the game."

Chris thew a ball and made it in the cup. Tyler picked up the cup and drank it. "next ones you." he said winking at me.

Half way threw the game I've had 6 drinks and I'm filling tipsy. I sucked a beer pong.

By the end I've had 8 drinks not including the one I had when we walked in.

I'm drunk, my first time drinking and I'm drunk. the music started getting to me.

Ride by SoMO came on and I started to sing.

Take off those heels, lay on my bed, whisper dirty secrets as I'm pulling on your hair, everybody wonder where..

"I miss us." I say to Tyler. god in too drunk.

He pushed me up against the wall. "did I ever tell you how sexy you are." he said cupping his hand on my cheek.

"Kiss me already." I say I don't mean it at all.

His lips met mine. what the hell am I doing? I don't know I'm too drunk. he broke the kiss and motioned too come on.

I followed because I'm stupid and we got in his car.

"Were to drunk to drive." I say laughing.

"Who said we were driving any where." he said pushing me up against the side if the car.

"Babe I miss you." he crashes his lips to mine. He asked for entrance but I deny.

"Babe please!" he asked once again and I gave in. he pushed me back up against the truck. We made out for a good 20 minuets and some dude drive by and yelled 'get some'.

"Maybe it's time I go back to my dorm." I say getting in the car.

"Okay." he got in and started the car.

he drive strait passed my dorm into a different complex.

"This isn't my dorm." I say I'm still a little drunk and have the giggles.

"That's cause your staying with me." he said with a grim

I didn't feel like fighting over this so I just agreed. See we fought like over everything when we dated and when we didn't fight he was nice and sweet.

He unlocked his dorm and motioned me to come in.

A blonde was playing video games when I walked in.

"Jeff this is cass." he said sitting on his bed.

"Not fair bro." he didn't even take his eyes off the game.

"Maybe I should just walk back to my dorm." I reached for the door handle and he graved my waist.

"No babe it's okay." He smirked.

The problem is I still like him so my feeling are taking control.

"I don't have clothes to sleep in." I don't even know what the hell I'm doing at this point.

"You got a bra and underwear right." he said with a smile.

"How about no." I say their is no way in hell I'm sleeping in my bra and under wear around him.

"Here." he tossed me a tee shirt but no pants or anything. I like him so I'm just kinda going with it.

"Were can I change." I ask and he just sat their.

"It's not like I haven't seen you in your bra and underwear." he said

"That right you haven't cause I'm not an easy girl." I don't even care at this point I take of my shirt and slide the tee shirt on and then slide my jean shorts off.

"Where can I sleep?" he patted next to him to answer my question.

I know total slut moves but I went and laid next to him.

He whispered in my ear "so what is us."

"I don't know." he wrapped his hands around my waist at my words.

"Give me another chance." he cuddled up next to me.


Sorry short chapter but wow can you believe it!! I can't wait to tell you what happens next!!!!! So keep reading and this is my second fan fic so I hope you enjoy!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2014 ⏰

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