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  Hunger... The desire to feed... The moment I laid my eyes upon her.. I had to have her. Something about her innocence to the world, her purity... It drove me insane... I longed to rip them from her.. Destroy it and make her beg for me... Long for me...  

  I sighed as stared at the ceiling.  Another restless night...  I stood up and looked at the time, it was 2:43 AM, right on time as usual. I looked around my room to look for something to throw on. I spotted my favorite black hoodie and some grey sweats. I quickly slipped them on and headed for the door, in front were my slippers, so I put them on then proceeded to walk out of my shitty one-roomed apartment. I began to head for the woods behind my apartment. As I walked, I listened to the sound of the wind softly blowing, the trees gently moving like the winds puppet. I felt the breeze hit my face as I continued walking, crossing my arms over my chest. I was very close, less than four minutes away. I looked at my watch, it was 2:57, perfect timing. 

  As I walked, I looked at the trees and how lovely they looked in the moonlight, I could look at them for hours.
 Eventually, I came across the small white and tan house I was looking for. As I got closer to it, I noticed a small window on the side of the house. I walked up to it and peered in. There she laid, on the large white mattress, her blankets not covering her body from my sight. I bit my lip.
Seeing her body in this state made me want to lust. How I wanted to search her body up and down with my hands... Feeling her soft, fragile frame under me... I felt myself harden at this site..   Each time I saw this... I knew I had to have her... But I'd have to plan, how and when... But soon enough, she would be mine... She was perfect for me... and she didn't even know it...
  But she will see how perfect we are no matter what. Even if that meant forcing her to see it... sigh.. how I wish I could show her now... Make her feel my love... haha... 

  I zoned back into reality and realized she was awake... Shit! I quickly ducked before she could see me. As I ducked I moved my hands through my hair in frustration... Dammit... I'm a fucking idiot. I should have been on the look for that! I sat on the gravel below me and thought about what to do. I sat in silence, waiting for a sign she was asleep. After about ten minutes I slowly stood up and peaked through the window, to my relief, she was asleep... But this time she was covered up... I growled... I wished I could break in and rip those blankets off of her.. I punched the side of the house and stormed off back into the woods. She should obey me.. not cover that perfect body... Damn it! I don't understand why I'm so pissed...

  I frantically looked around for someone.. anyone. I walked out of the woods and made it to a bar. The whole time I was walking I was biting pieces of my cheek off till my mouth was full of blood. I slammed open the bar door, walking into the huge bar. I was greeted by two, beyond drunk males in their 30's. They stared at me like I was an idiot. 
 "What the fuck bro? Are you really slamming doors? Is this your house?" One of them asked stepping closer to me and I couldn't help but grin. I shoved past him easily and sat at the front of the bar.
 The bartender noticed my presence, walking over to me.

"What may I get you, sir?" I looked up at him.

"Gin and tonic please.." I said threw a growl. His eyes widened as he nodded and quickly got me my order. I began to laugh darkly. The two men from before walked up to me, one of their hands made its way on my shoulder. I slowly turned my head and eventually, my eyes met there's.

"It's you again." One of them said, almost slurring his words. "What a surprise." He added, grinning at me.

"Leave. Me. Alone." I said sternly, my eyes not once leaving his. His grip on my shoulder loosened, but he only chuckled. 

"What if I don't want to?" He asked, almost jokingly. I let out a breath and stood up, pulling out my handgun. 

"If you wanna live, I'm sure you'll walk away. Right?" I asked through laughs. They quickly walked away, leaving the bar altogether. I smiled and put away my gun before sitting down.
  The bartender seemed to busy to have noticed, so I sat down and noticed my drink waiting for me.

I took a hold of it, quickly chugging it down, the taste of my blood mixed with the bitter taste of the drink. I groaned out from the pain of the alcoholic drink burning my open wound.
Such a pleasant feeling this is... The pain is so nice... Ahh, fuck... 
I felt eyes burning into me. I looked at the bartender who seemed frightened by my reaction. 

"Sorry if I seem off sir, just a stressful day is all. I'm sure you've had them before?" I said, almost asking, trying to make him see me as normal. As the words came out, his face relaxed.

"Ahh. Yes, sir! We all have been there." He said before he started cleaning cups. I smiled to reassure him. I left my money on the counter before standing up, heading for the door. 

"Be careful sir and have a nice night," I said before I opened the door, walking out of it. Sigh.. fucking people.. always have to ruin my shit... 


I grabbed my phone out of my pocket that seemed to be ringing. The name read 'Min Yoongi.' I quickly picked it up. "Hello?" I asked, making sure he meant to call me.

"Yes, hello. Do you think in about an hour you could make your way over to our office? We had an unexpected error and must discuss it immediately Mr. Kim. Also, could you bring us some coffee since it seems you are near a coffee place. It should be open." I let out a small sigh.

"Yes, how much sir?" I asked in an angry tone, to which he chuckled.

"Hmm, three medium coffees. For Namjoon, Jin and I. And please keep your anger under control Mr. Kim.." He said sternly. I rolled my eyes.

"Yes sir, be there soon," I said before hanging up. I groaned and looked around for the coffee shop he was talking about. As I walked up and down the streets, my eyes glanced to a small cafe, the lights were on, and one lonely lady stood behind the desk, looking bored and tired as ever. I walked up to the small place, reaching for the door when I was close enough. As I slowly opened the door, the females eyes meet mine.

"Hello, sir! How may I help you?" She said quickly, more than likely, it was almost closing time.

" Ah, yes. Can I get three medium coffees please?" I said as I began to pull out my wallet. She nodded in response.

"That'll be $9.30, Sir." I looked through my wallet and handed her a ten.

"Keep the change," I said. She began making the drinks, and within ten minutes she had finished with the drinks. She handed them to me and told me goodbye. As I walked out of the store and pulled my phone out. I had roughly 40 minutes to be there. I looked through my contacts and dialed Jimin's number.

"Yes?" He responded, sounding rather sleepy.

"Jimin, do you think you can pick me up? We all have to be at the office in about half an hour." I said with a sigh. I could hear frantic shuffling from the other line.

"Shit! I'll be there ASAP. Where are you?" He asked.

"I'm outside The Coffee House," I responded.

"Be there soon!" He said and quickly hung up. Within five minutes, Jimin's car pulled up. I walked up to the car, opening the door. Once I got in, I put the hot beverages in the cup holders. I then shut the door and buckled up. Jimin began speeding and soon enough, we pulled up to our office.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2018 ⏰

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