A big misunderstanding/a wonderful day

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( Original picture: https://www.deviantart.com/art/Cala-Maria-Pin-Up-727201604 )

(Y/N) POV:

i was running to isle 3 as fast as i could and finally reached the sea. i looked for Cala but i couldn't find her anywhere. then i saw something rise from the sea, it was Cala! "hi Mom! Meow!" I said with a smile. She smiled back and picked me up. "Hello Sweetie! how was your walk?" "Nya! It was amazing!...and...uh...do you remember that Carnation you told me to stay away from? Meow?" she stopped smiling and raised a brow. "uh...yes dear...why...?" "Meow...I kinda met him...A-And...he's nothing like what you said...He's very sweet...Nya!" she nodded her head "that's strange...Goopy told me that he's pure evil." "Mom, Don't trust Goopy! He is a liar! he lies...A LOT! meow!" She nodded again and gave me a tuna that she caught. "here, eat this. And after your done...tell me about Cagney. Like what did he do? Or how did you guys meet?" "NYA! TUNA! MY FAVORITE FISH! THANK YOU CALA! and don't worry. i will tell you everything! Meow!"

*Time skip brought you by...AyanoCarnation singing your favorite song.*

"Jeez! he got mad at you just for trying to pick one flower from his garden?" "Meow! Yep! but he gave it to me after getting to know each other. Nya!" She nodded pointed to a shed that I stay at. (Cus you know. You can't breathe under water.) "you need to get some rest sweetie." "Meow! Ok Mom!"

Cagney's POV:

I can't believe I am going to do this...it's ok Cags calm down. I saw a flower and picked it and took one petal off of it.

"She loves me..." 1 down, 5 more to go...

"She loves me not..."

4 more...

"She loves me..."

3 more...

"She loves me not..."

2 more...

"She loves me..."

1 more...

"...she loves me not..."

Oh c'mon Cags. You don't know that yet! Maybe she does love you...and you just don't know it yet...I just need to get some rest. Tomorrow is a big day...

*Time skip*

I will ask (Y/N) on a date. Then I will know if she loves me or not.

(Y/N)'s POV:

It was morning. I got on a (F/C) dress on with (F/C) shoes. And ran out the shed.

*Time skip again*

I finally made it to Cagney's garden, i saw him laying on the grass and talking to himself. "Will she accept? i hope she will...but if not...I've got more stuff ahead of me..." "Hi Cagney! Meow!" he jumped and looked very shocked. "O-O-Oh...H-Hi (Y/N)..." i walked into his garden and hugged him, he chuckled and hugged me back "Did you have to sneak back here or...?" "Meow! Oh no! Cala Only thought you where pure evil because of Goopy Le Grande! he tells rumors that aren't true. Nya!" he nodded and started to blush. I started to get worried. "Uh...Cagney...Are you...Ok...? he looked up and stopped blushing. "Oh i'm fine.........(Y/N)?" i looked up at him while smiling "Nya...?" "I-I was wondering...I-I know we j-just met...But...D-D-Do you w-want to g-g-go on a d-date?".....i didn't know what to say...but "NYA! YES...i mean...Yes...i would love to go on a date with you Cagney!" he looked at me shocked again. "H-H-Have you been on a d-date before (Y/N)...?" i looked at my watch and saw that it was 6:00 "MEOW! OH NO! Sorry Cagney, i have to go! See you tomorrow!" "Goodbye (Y/N)!"



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