XXXI. Queen in the North

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She greeted each household warmly, offering shelter and food for their stay. There was enough room for each of the Lords brought, and the few men they brought with them were provided with an area for camp. This wasn't like when Robb had called his banners, this was a meeting to discuss the future of the North. Fianna doubted that these Lords had much men to spare anyway.

She requested that they all attend the grand hall for the subject of their invitation, a speech Fianna prepared over and over again in her mind, speaking it to herself when she couldn't sleep at night.

Fianna could no longer find dresses of her own that would fit, so while she waited for the seamstresses to make new ones, she was forced to settle for wearing breeches and a shirt. Few would take the little effort put forth in her appearance as an insult, but something told her the large stomach she carted around with her would quieten their whispers.

The Lords and Lady gathered and waited patiently for Fianna to appear, they were anxious. And also curious. Many of those in attendance had never seen the former Queen of the North, as for many, the head of their respective households had been butchered at war or in the Red Wedding. Leaving their duty to the next heir.

When she finally appeared, the whispers and murmurs hushed. All eyes turned to the Lady of Baelfort, immediately dropping their gaze to her very swollen front. Yes, it was obvious this was a matter that would require the presence of the Northern lords. And lady.

Fianna was beginning to get some life back into her appearance, her cheeks didn't hold the same grey pallor it did a week ago, and her face wasn't as sunken. But her grey eyes were just as cold and as troubled as they were when she returned.

She walked through the aisle in the centre of the hall until she reached the top, when she did, she turned slowly and faced the crowd, inhaling deeply.

Robb had always been the one for motivational speeches, after all, he had encouraged the entirety of the North to fight for him.

"My lords," she began after clearing her throat, she swiftly glanced over and met the eyes of the small and extremely young Lady of Bear Island, adding, "and lady. I am sure you are all curious as to why you are here."

"Is that Robb Stark's babe in your belly?" A man crudely called out, she recognised from his breastplate that he hailed from House Dustin.

"Yes it is, Lord Barbrey," she replied, gritting her teeth, protectively she cupped her hands underneath her bump.

"So you're telling us that you're carrying the King of the North's heir?" Lord Wyman Manderly was next to shout, furthering Fianna's irritation.

"Yes," she replied simply, continuing quickly before they could talk over her, "for those of you that have lost loved ones at the Red Wedding, I extend my apologies. I, too, am grieving-"

"I lost my father because of you and Robb Stark!" Smalljon Umber shouted in a rage, pushing Fianna's temper.

"And I lost my husband!" She roared back. "I watched my husband die! And then I was chained like a dog! They intended to use me until my baby was born and then dispose of me like a dead carcass! I fought my way bloodily out of that prison cell and trekked halfway across Westeros so I could come home. So yes, you have lost your father, and I am sorry for that. But I will not apologise for honouring a betrothal that was set into place by my, and his, father. The Bolton's and the Freys are our true enemies here."

"The war is over, Roose Bolton is the Warden of the North, Robb Stark is dead. Our armies are diminished, what is the true reason you have brought us here, Lady Fianna?" Henrick Mazin voiced, trying to be polite but sounding utterly exasperated all the same.

Winter In My Heart | ROBB STARK.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz