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I walked into the room. I sat down on a chair. I pulled out my book. The Time Machine by H.G Wells. It was always my favorite book, even if I didn't agree with the future.

My mother read it to me when I was younger. That was why it was even more precious. It was one of the few things that survived the fire. That, and our locket.

I opened it. Inside was a picture of me and my Mom. She was beautiful, with long black hair like mine but instead of gold eyes like me she had beautiful sea green eyes. I remember her saying that she went back in time, when she read that book. I laughed, thinking that time travel was impossible. Now, I regretted laughing at my mother's only other interest besides marine biology. My grandmother used to tell me that my mother took after my grandfather on almost everything. I remembered them well. They were still alive, of course, but for my mother...

I shook away the nasty thought. I pulled out my Ipod and began to hum the tunes that would pop up. I was humming the lastest song on my Ipod

And that's how we were meant to be...

A match made in heaven, can't you see...

That we were meant to be...

Meant to be...

"You have a nice voice." said a voice. I turned around. I saw a man with shiny black hair and golden eyes... Just like mine... "Yes, young one. Now come with me." He offers me his hand. I don't take it. He smiles at me. "Good, you don't trust easily. Now come."

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