First you have me and I look like a goth version of their idol. Then you have Harry and three other idols. And then Marcel who is out of his nerd gear and in his sleeping gear plus baggy shirt (probably because he didn't want to step out in just his tightie whities) and looking exactly like Harry.

I can't imagine what they're thinking at the moment.

"Are you guys going to come over for breakfast this morning?!" Liam called over to us.

"No, I think Harry and us have to be at St. Paul's by 9 and we will have to have breakfast there!" Marcel called over the thunderous screams that had gotten louder when Louis stepped out.

"Right, I forgot about that!" Harry called over.

"Yeah, we're just so excited about tonight's concert," Liam called to us.

After a few minutes, we all went back inside and Marcel and I got ready. I jumped in the shower and washed myself and washed my hair too before getting dressed in black skinny jeans and a black top. I didn't put anything in my hair so my black curls fell randomly by the sides of my face and head. I walked out and saw that Marcel was already finished and was dressed a bit more causal then what he normally would wear. He was wearing a light blue long sleeve shirt but the top buttons were unbuttoned and he wasn't wearing a vest over the top. He was wearing black skinny jeans like me and his hair was brushed back but not gelled. A brown Fedora was sitting at the end of the lounge where he was sitting. Although he was dressed more unlike his usual self, he still wore his bulky glasses.

"You excited?" he said when he noticed me staring at him.

"About what? Today or tonight?" I asked, coming over and pushing his legs off the couch so I could sit too. He groaned but dropped his legs on the ground and sat up properly. I leaned on him and stretched my legs out just to annoy him.

"Tonight. Today won't be very interesting," he said, wiggling out from beneath me and walking over to the single chair, picking up the hat on the way.

"I guess," I shrugged. "It'll change our lives. We'll get swamped for the first week or two but eventually we will be known to every Directioner in the world and you won't be picked on when you go back to school," I said, really thinking about it myself. It's not like we'll be famous, more people will know us that's all. And maybe when I'm known, I could try and get a demo ready and get a record deal. I really don't want to go to college and I hate to admit it but I do love singing.

"What about you? Are you excited?" I asked curiously.

"I'm nervous to say the least. Everyone thinks Harry's dating me, well, a nerd, but there'll be so many people," he said. I was a bit nervous myself but I couldn't even start to imagine how scared Marcel was. He's claustrophobic around crowds and the monstrous amount of people won't help that. He's shy and the thousands of cameras defiantly won't help that either.

I opened my mouth to say something but there was a knock at the door. "Coming!" Marcel called, getting up and walking to the door.

He opened it and the person behind it screamed.

"Aarrrhhh," she said in shock.

"Oh, hi Mrs. Daver. How are you?" Marcel said.

"Good thanks. Sorry, you scared me Marcel, I just saw Harry in the other room and you look just like him. I thought for a second that he magically teleported in here. You scared the living daylights out of me," she joked. "Did you know Harry Styles is in the next room? Not only him but all five," she whispered, looking over her shoulder and pointing to the boys' room.

"Yeah I did," he smiled.

"Oh Okay," I faced dropped a bit when Marcel said he already knew her exciting news. "Now I came up to tell everyone we leave in 20 minutes so get ready, but the fan girl in me must ask you something and I'm sorry if it's awkward. Are you and Harry together?" she asked, she probably saw the two going out last night on twitter or something if she's a secret fan girl. Marcel quickly shook his head.

Harry, Edward and Marcelحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن