"K-Ci funny, y'all would be cute though, I can see it" I said.

"Yeah" she said.

"Wait, I have an idea for the song. You want real love right?" I asked her.

"Yeah who wouldn't" she said.

"I have an idea for a song" I said.

Mary and I went to work on the song. It was such a vibe working with her. Mary was so chill and she made me feel comfortable.

few hours later

We were done writing the song so we called in Andre and Puffy, Uptown's head intern to listen to the song. I was nervous cause I didn't want it to flop or have it mess Mary up. Mary was pretty confident though.

"Y'all got the song?" Andre asked us.

"Yeah it's all done, your niece did good" Mary told him.

"Well let's hear it, sing the first verse and the first chorus" Puffy said.

Mary was getting ready and she got the pad to sing the lyrics. I was gonna do the back vocals and the beat.

We are lovers through and through and though we made it through the storm
I really want you to realize
I really want to put you on
I've been searching for someone to satisfy my every need
Won't you be my inspiration, be the real love that I need

Real love, I'm searching for a real love
Someone to set my heart free, real love
I'm searching for a real love

Andre and Puffy clapped at Mary. I guess they liked it.

"What do you think?" I wondered.

"That was dope, I like it" Puffy said.

"Yeah, it's good for Mary, what's it called?"
Andre added.

"Real Love" I said.

"You good Diana, you should keep songwriting" Puffy said to me.

"Thank you, but Mary also helped too" I said.

"Nah B, I only helped with the melody, you did the most work" Mary said.

I blushed. I was really that bitch. I wish De was here to see this, he would be so proud.

"Here Diana, how would you like to write a few more songs for Mary?" Andre offered.

".... that would be great" I agreed.

"Yes!" Mary exclaimed.

Welp, guess I have a new "passion".

later that day

After chilling with Mary for a few hours at Uptown, I went back to the house. I needed to tell De this so I grabbed the phone and called him. Hopefully he wasn't busy. Luckily, he wasn't.

"Hello?" he said.

"Hey De" I said.

"Hey baby, how's my girl?" he asked.

"I'm fine, actually I had a great day today" I told him.

"What happened?" he wondered.

"Well, thanks to you, Andre had me write a song for Mary. Andre and Puffy liked it and now I'll be writing more songs for her" I told him.

"That's dope, I'm so proud, I knew you could do it" he said.

"Thank you, I actually liked writing music, it felt good" I said.

"See I was right wasnt I" he chuckled.

"Yeah, you were" I said. "I miss you De, I wish you were here to see it".

"Don't worry baby, I'm there in spirit" he said.

"I honestly can't wait for that tour to be over, how was the first show?" I asked him.

"It was nice, Charlotte loved us, we perform in Atlanta tonight" he told me.

"Nice, have any hoes tried to jump on you?" I wondered.

"Nope. Not at all..." he said very quickly.

"Uh ok, good. Like I said, I don't wanna cut a bitch" I said.

"You won't have too, well look, I gotta get change for the show, I'll call you later" he told me.

"Ok, bye babe" I said.

"Bye babygirl" he said back as he hung up.

I really did miss him. But the good thing was that I was gonna see him at the concert. The thing about dating a celebrity on tour was that you never know what they're doing while they're gone....

A/N: 🌚 the next chapter is gonna be goood. tea will be spilled, drama will unfold. but y'all will see :) chapter coming tomorrow!

my muse - d. swingHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin