Vidcon 2017!

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Izzy's POV

I get to go to VidCon!! Though since I live in England, it will be a hassle to cross the freaking border!! Eh so what! As long as I get to meet my IDLE- or IDLES.

8-BitRyan and Bazamalam!

My two favorite beans!!

I kind of have a crush on- Ryan... no not Baz, but 8-BitRyan.

Eh. Freak it.

I shot up out of bed as my little brother shook me awake. "COME ON!! WE ARE GOING TO BE LATE FOR OUR FLIGHT!!" Ugh. Tadashi. Why?

"I WANT TO MEET YOUTUBERS LETS GO!!!" Tadashi whined as he pulled me out of bed. "Damn It Tad!!" I yelled at him.

"LETS GO!! ITS 12 AM!! Our flight is at 5!!" He yelled at me.

I looked at the clock. It necessarily wasn't 12 yet.

It was 11:50.

I groaned and got out of the covers. I shoved Tadashi out and licked my door. I quickly got dressed. I didn't bother putting on make-up..

I walked downstairs and called my friend, Ashely.

Ash:hey Izzy! What's up?
Me:Hey! I was wondering if you could watch over my animals while I go to Vidcon with Tadashi?
Ash:sure thing! Who's room do I sleep in?
Me:My room! Or any were other than Tadashi because his room is a freaking Mess! It's like Satan arrived and broke his room!
Ash:HAHA!! Ok! I'll cya when you get back Izzy!!
Me:Bye bab!

I hung up and grasped my bags and my phone and charger. We drove to the airport and got on the plane after a few hours.


Alright! That's it for the first chapter!! So I'll be taking a bit of a break... because I found out that I'm PREGNANT!! Yep!! I'm not explaining how.. but it was- rape.
If your under the age of 10 then ask your parents about it, I'm not your mom! I'll cya in the next chapter!!

Isabella is happy about becoming a mother! Really!! She needs your support rn so if you could leave some support and wish her your luck that'd be amazing!!!


Neha! Gotta blast!

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