beep beep

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My phone beeps indicating I have a message and I see it's my main friends and my other schoolmates, who are just friends but I don't hang with them. I opened my message and seen Suzanne Carter or better yet known as Susie, she messaged me asking about a night out with the group and their boyfriends, I agreed because I had nothing else to do because I was so up to date with my work. I got dressed and went to school, happy that it is Friday, so, later on, I get dressed and do my makeup and leave my hair in my usual curls. I head out, my parents said they would pick me up around 12, I agreed because that time was decent. 

' when I went out with these friends, it was the same drill every-night, they got drunk till they couldn't stand and spent their money carelessly on the poison.' I got embarrassed and I couldn't deal with them like this, that night when I got home, I cried to my parents that I felt like I didn't fit in and I didn't really fit in. I could honestly say Jocelyn and Luke were the best parents you could ever ask for', honestly them two were both saints and I loved them dearly'. Monday coming they asked me why I left and I told them I didn't feel well. 

'Dinner time came and I didn't see Eric at all, I wondered where he went, while I was thinking that I took my Ritalin, while I was washing the drug down with water'. 'Days turned into weeks and months and Eric still didn't appear to our table, I was beginning to get worried because this was so unlike Eric to not attend our table for weeks'. 'Suddenly a chair beside me screeched and Kate Dawson sat down beside me and she is a lovely girl, and was another classmate of my mine, I considered her a friend, she was in a relationship Michael Wilson for three years'. 'She was a lovely girl, she would tell me stories of her and Michael and how they met, she told me they met on a dating app'. 

 'when she first told me about this app I was a bit sketchy about it, I decided to download it because I was bored and I got talking to loads of people on it but they all ghosted me eventually because I was a chatterbox. 'I came across this one guy, he was called Colin Jacobson, he had an interesting job but he was ten years older than me, I thought he had good intentions of having a relationship but turns out he wasn't looking for anything serious, plus I knew what he was looking'. 'I started to develop feelings for him, which ill just say was totally bad and I told Evelyn and Avery about him but then we got into a bit of a disagreement but I was mature with him, I decided to delete the app because it was no use to me at all.

 'I met another guy and he was nice too, same age of me but he was shy and awkward his name was Alan Black and he was nice but not my type'. 'I knew if Eric found out he would be annoyed with me'. 'While I was talking to my other group of friends, I met this guy through a friend on a night out, he was called Philip Jackson, I started to develop feelings for Philip but it turns out he was nothing but a slob and he was a user and a snake, I regret the day I met him and spoke to him but I learnt from that mistake, I knew Eric would want their heads on a stick, if he ever knew about my situations with the boys'. 

'I just wish Eric would take notice of me', ' I can keep wishing because it will never come true, besides he has a girlfriend, who is more pretty than me. ; I'm not Eric's type he's into slim figure girls, like Winnie.' 'While I'm more curvier than her'.  'Today I have invited Eric over to watch a movie, he will only be staying for a while because he has get his girlfriend, insert eyeball roll'. 'The bell finally rings and I'm so excited because I have been waiting for weeks for Eric and me to spend bonding time'. I jump out of my seat fast walk over to the other side of the room to get Eric'. 

'I came to a halt when I seen Winnie, was stopping Eric from packing, "look sweetheart, I'm going to Sadie's and nothing is gonna happen; you trust me don't you?" " I do trust you, but I don't trust that thing", "Winnie, don't call her that, she has a name,I'm not arguing with you about this because I have went over six times, with you about this situation and I don't want to talk about it anymore, about it because you get annoyed".I" have to go because Sadie is waiting", 'he looked over at me with a charming smile, that made my heart flutter and butterflies appear in my stomach. 

"Gosh, I have one good lucking friend". 'Eric kissed Winnie on the cheek before approaching me with a large smile". "Hey Red, how's it going?" I have been doing good big boy,: what about you?" "I have been good, you excited for tonight? I asked Eric"."Yeah  I am Kiddo",' he said while messing my hair up'. "Eric don't do that and your messing my hair I moaned out, your only two years older I said in a huff".  Eric is at our job for a teaching math placement".

'We leave the school premises to find where Eric has parked his car'. 'As I was a wet substance was suddenly thrown on me and I squealed out in shock". "Eric, why did you do that for, I said while throwing my water right in his laughing face, Eric face was priceless, when I did that". "As soon as I saw the Eric smirk at me, hit the ground, like an antelope running from a cheetah, I ran as fast as could, i saw a lake in the distances and before I got their, arms wrapped around my waist and before I know it". 

Me and Eric hit the floor with thud and go tumbling down. the hill, Eric switched positions and I'm definitely getting bruises for tomorrow, what ever way Eric switched us, when we hit the ground and i bursted out laughing ; why you laughing?, honestly haven't had this much fun since  we were kids'. 'I miss them times, wouldn't go back though'.  

next chapter will be updated.

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