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Okay never guess what happened my Step-Father had to go to Urgent Care because his son sliced his figure open with a steak knife. Not even kidding.

Anyways VOTE & COMMENT tell what you like what you don't like what I can improve PRETTY PRETTY PLEASE =]


Removed 2

I've been sitting in the same room for about a week sitting in the same position and staring at the same wall for a week. The only thing I thought about was that night I think that's one of the reasons I remember it so clearly. My body was healing I could feel as the bruises slowly started going away I never looked to see though I didn't think I could handle it if they weren't healing I didn't think I could handle because right then I didn't feel the pain of them and I was afraid that if I looked I would of felt every single one of them.

The door opened and in stepped the expressionless guy he always came in here everyday doing a check up. He search my face for what I didn't just that when he was done he nodded his head "Your ready"

I looked up at him with a blank expression "For what"

He just shook his head "Get up its time"

I got up from my position and I guess I did it a little to fast because all the blood rushed to my head and I stumbled back I couldn't see anything my vision just went black but slowly the black started to fade and I could see again. I followed him outside and we walked past door after door some opened some closed I learned later that the closed ones had people behind them.

We ended up in a room with a chair and a camera and some chains in it that's it just a chair and a camera and chains. Right when I walked through I was grabbed from both sides and roughly carried to the chair. They shoved me down into it one grabbed my hands and chained them behind my back the other chained my feet to the ground.

"What's going on"

"You're being ransomed"

"Wait so your going to give me back"

"Sure" when he said that everyone smirked that's when I knew I was going to die


Some guy suddenly walked into the room you could tell he was the leader because everyone stood to attention ready to take orders.

"Everyone ready"

"Yes sir" they said in unison.

"Okay young lady are you ready" yeah like I had choice in the matter. "Now I'm going to turn on the camera and I will tell what we want then you can say a couple of words. It will be a live feed so we're going to have to make quick. Okay" what could I do disagree.

He pulled a black ski mask on hiding his face and nodded to the person behind the camera "We have your daughter and we want 100,000 dollars in cash delivered to the bus station by next Monday" he pause and all the sudden the camera was pointed to me "Hi mom I just wanted to tell you nottogivethemthemoneytheirgonnakillmenomatterwhat" they tried to shut off the camera before I finished but were unable to.

"Now why would you do that"

"Why wouldn't I your gonna kill me either way"

"That right there is were your wrong"

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