She checked her phone again.


She had promised Savannah, her co-worker at the Smoothie shop, that she would try to go back in and give working there another shot - but that was the last thing she wanted to do. Besides, she had already missed a day she was scheduled for on top of causing an altercation in the break room; there was no way they would even let her come back.

She'd admit that it would've been nice to have something to do to take her mind off of last night, but being at the smoothie shop would probably just further remind her of the situation that occurred there and would just make her thoughts worse. Not to mention, Tyler could be there.

She took another glimpse of herself in the mirror, and then her gaze shifted towards her bathroom, and then at herself in the mirror again. Without much more thought, she began to undress, turned on and climbed into the shower in hopes of being able to wash off the memory of last night.

For some reason, being in the shower made her thoughts much more louder. All she could think about was Luke's face when he brought up what Tyler did to her and how he said not to call him "when" it happens again. His expression showed no remorse. He meant it. She didn't care how many times he apologized.

Brielle had always heard that what's said in anger is usually true feelings. In all honesty, it wouldn't surprise her if Luke was just being nice this whole time to try to get into her pants - that's all he cares about with other girls so why would it be different with her? The second he realized that he couldn't get Brielle so easy he got angry. That had to be it. She knew a stranger wouldn't be so nice to her without wanting anything out of it.

She quickly decided to get out the shower, as she realized it was just amplifying her thoughts.

Once she was out, she quickly put some primer and mascara on to make herself look somewhat presentable, dressed herself in a tank top and a pair of athletic shorts, before continuing to sprawl herself back out onto her bed.

Usually, she would have her Firestick remote in her hand, her thumb ready as the "dum dum" Netflix tune played. But she had no interest in watching anything; she wouldn't be able to focus anyway.

She thought to check her phone again to see if anybody else had attempted to contact her. Just as she went to pick it up, there was a ding.

luke: i know you hate me. just let me know you made it home safe.

She rolled her eyes. He didn't care if she made it home safe when she left the fight club crying and disorientated. If he didn't care then, he didn't care now. She dismissed the message.

Before she could lock her phone, another message came through.

+310-383-5693: I miss you.

She froze and her eyebrows furrowed.

+310-383-5693: I'm sorry.

More eyebrow furrowing.

Luke was the first person she ever gave her phone number out to - she usually had people give them theirs. Who the hell was this and why wasn't their number saved? Better yet, why the hell did they miss her?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2019 ⏰

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