I started to tear up
She place her hand on my stomach.

"And in here there are two precious babies who are relying on you, to protect them, care for them, love them and be strong for them. They are going to need the old Skylar back to do all  move on, but you need to start now as it won't be long before those babies are here and they're going to need you to be fully invested in them."

I was fully in tears I knew my mother was right, I couldn't wallow away anymore, this wasn't me, the person I see in the mirror is a person I don't recognise, I'm ashamed that I let this affect me the way it has, but no more I am not letting this take over my life, fuck that.

"You're right mom, I'm done wallowing, get ready to see some changes." I said as I engulfed her into a hug.

"That's my girl." My mother replied.

*End of Flashback*

So as you can see, I was a mess but it's thanks to my mom that I am on the path to being the old me again, sometimes I do get the odd moment where I dwell on the past but then I place my hand on my stomach and remember why I'm doing this and every bad moment disappears.

Since my mom and I had that conversation a lot has happened. I finally decided to start looking for a place for me and the babies to live, and being the Luna Queen does have its perks as I managed to get this great deal on this beautiful house, it's pretty big so there is enough space for me and the babies. With getting a new house I've had to get all new furniture with the help from my parents, I've also had to get people to go over and get the babies stuff from the palace, for the children's room.

I bet you're wondering what's going on with Logan.

Well he has tried to make contact with me over the last month, for him to get the door slammed his face every time he has tried, he's sent flowers, gifts, even letters. I just haven't been phased by any of it.

I was done about thinking about him now, all I was focused on was the future. On todays agenda, moving day! Today is the day I'm moving into my house, my very own home, this will be the first time living on my own and I'm excited and nervous at the same time. I have never lived on my own before so this was going to be a new experience for me, but I was excited for it. It was the start of a new adventure. I brought out the last box from the house and put straight into the car. In the corner of my eye I saw figure coming up behind me, I quickly spun round and punched the person in the face till I realised who I just punched...


"Logan! What are you doing creeping up behind me like that? For crying out loud, haven't you done enough without trying to give me a heart attack as well." I shouted

"I'm sorry I startled you. You pack quite the punch." He said as he was rubbing his face. 

"Well I was taught to defend myself well, what can I say?" I replied

"You sure were." He chuckled

"What is it that you want Logan?" I asked sternly

"I just wanted to see how my mate and my unborn twins were, is that such a crime?" He said nervously.

"Logan, you lost the right to call me your mate when you cheated on me with my best friend. As for the babies, they're fine I have a scan sometime this week, I'll send you the details so you can come if you like."

"Yeah that would be good thank you, and I know what I did was wrong but can't you find it in your heart to forgive me? I made a mistake, a really really bad mistake but we all make them." He said

"Logan I know we all make mistakes, but what you did was unforgivable, like you and Chloe were two people in my life I thought I could trust but all that went away when I found out what you two did behind my back." I replied

"What can I do for you to forgive?" He pleaded.

Before I could respond, we were interrupted by none other than Chloe.

"Am I interrupting anything important?" She said quietly

"YES." Logan boomed

Chloe cowered back

"No you're not, what are you doing here?."

"I just thought I'd come see how you are, it's been a while." Chloe answered

"Why do you care how I am?"

"I know what I did but it doesn't stop me from caring about you Sky, you're still my best friend, and I've been really lonely not having not only you not speaking to me but also Jasmine as after she found what I did, she cut all contact. All of my friends have to be honest." She said

"If you're trying to make me feel sorry for you, it's not working." I said sounding very uninterested

"No I'm not, it's just..."

"Save it Chloe! I'm done hearing what you have to say. In fact I can't honestly be bothered to hear what either of you have to say to be honest. " I replied

Logan looked up.

"Logan to answer your question. There is nothing you could say or do that would ever make me take you back. The only reason you are still in my life is because of our children and absolutely nothing else. Chloe as far as I'm concerned you're no longer my best friend, or will ever be apart of my life ever again. So if we're are done here I have to get going, today is the day I start my new life. So nice chat and all but goodbye." I said and with that I walked off.

I know I must of sounded like a real bitch but they both deserve it, after all they've done.

After that conversation though I felt liberated, I felt like nothing could touch me. It felt good to have control back of my life and this was just the start...

Another chapter done!

What do you guys think??
Are you happy for Sky?? Are some of you sad that she isn't prepared to give Logan another chance?
Do any of you feel sorry for Chloe?

Let me know in the comments below!!!!

Thanks for reading

To find out more, stayed tuned to for the next chapter of

Mates to the Alpha King

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