Chapter 5: Thought Of You

Start from the beginning

"Hey Keira." I rubbed my eyes and turned to face her again. She wasn't there.


"Oooh. Looks like that guy got ditched."




Serves him right. I'll just leave him to laugh all he wants. I'll look for something else to do. Jerk. I went over to the hammer area. Time to relieve some stress. 




"Keira? Keira!" I tried looking for her over at the dancing area but she was nowhere to be seen. Even at the mini games or the arcade games, I couldn't find her.

"Shit! She looks pissed."

"Yeah. Lets stay clear from there."

"But she looks hot though."

"Dude, what's wrong with you?"

"I'll go up to her." 

"Suit yourself. Good luck."

I watched to see where he was going. It could be Keira from what his description of her. The pissed part. Not the hot part. I'm not saying she's not hot. Oh whatever.




"Hyah!" I hit the hammer against the platform again. It kept getting higher and higher. I think I was starting to scare the people around me. I said sorry to them telepathically. Hope there's no interference.

"Excuse me?" I turned around and was met with a boy with stunning blue eyes.

"Hi. I'm James."

"Oh. Hi." I was getting nervous all of a sudden.

"Are you alright? You seem pretty pissed."

"Yeah. I guess I'm just upset." 

"May I ask why?"

"Why?" Why? I was upset because Justin tricked me and it was embarassing. A little. Kind of. And... I guess that was the only reason. And I admit it's a really silly and stupid one. It was funny. I'm just upset that I got tricked. I'm an idiot. This could be one of the last times in a long time I'm going to get to see him and I justblew him off so easily. He didn't even get mad when I lied about Brit sending him nudes. I guess I don't have a sense of humor. A good one anyway.

"Yes. Why." Now this blue eyed stranger was looking at me, asking me what was wrong. I couldn't give him a good answer.

"Sorry about that." Justin came in between the two of us. "We kind of lost track of each other. She's just upset that we got separated. Hi Keira." Justin waved at me.

"Hey." I looked down at my feet.

"Oh. Well, take better care of her next time." The stranger told Justin.

"I will." He smiled and pulled me away from the hammer area.


"I'm sorry Justin." I couldn't look him straight in the eye. He probably doesn't like me that much anymore.

"Hey." He bent down to try and look into my eyes. "You just have to get a better sense of humor,that's all." He smirked.

I smiled. "Yeah. I'll do that." I slapped his arm.


"But don't you try and trick me again because I will get back at you, hard."

"And then I'll get back, harder." He smirked again.

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