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"WHY THE FUCK DID MY SUIT RIP?" Shawn screamed at the top of his lungs. Everyone passing by my office staring at both of us.

"Maybe it was you that ripped it," I calmly stated, hoping it would tone him down a bit.

"Your the one that sewed the damn thing Valen, you put the sleeve together," he stared daggers at me, "You embarrassed me in front of millions of people. MILLIONS!"

I cringed remembering what happened at last nights photo shoot. Shawn Saxe posing for the camera to be published on a magazine, wearing my work I spent months on. When all of a sudden, when he turned to pose..... the whole sleeve tore off the rest of the clothing.

Someone that was at the shoot filmed the whole scene, causing it to be uploaded to millions of people.

But here I am. Still with my job. But with a selfish, over exaggerating asshole screaming at me.

"Don't ever expect me walking in this building ever again."

And with that, Shawn threw the suit down on the hard wooden floor, and stormed out of my office, fists clutched and steam practically blowing out of his ears.

Was I happy that he left? Very. Ever since he walked in my office, I could already tell I hated him.

From how high his ego soared, to how selfish and greedy the bastard was, spending weeks and weeks of my life designing and perfecting a suit he was going to wear, was the biggest regret of my life.

And seeing him storm out of my office, finally not getting what he wanted, brought a huge toothy grin to my face.

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