Em Nakamura

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~•~Em's POV~•~

Why was I here again? Why was I in this place of torture called school? Because of my step mom. Ever since my big brother died, my step-mom has been on edge. She was a horrible step-mother

But of course, I had no say in this. I'm only in high school, grade nine. my brother was in grade eleven and and everyone in my school, even my CLOSEST friends, compare me to him.

I have no say in this either, I've always wanted to change how people look at me and immediately compare me to Ethan.

I guess people don't know the REAL reason why he died. Only my parents and I know how. Everyone says he mysteriously died and no one knows how. Well, {A/N- I think this is how, I am on the third series and can't remember. Sorry if im  wrong} he died trying to rise a villain. I mean, why in Pluto's underwear would he do that?!?

Sometimes I wish he was still alive just so I could slap him.


Well, the day is almost over. One more hour then I can escape! Yay...

Ιm currently in Latin class and we're talking about the Roman gods since their main language was Latin. Ιm not a master at Rome, but the only other option was Greek and I prefer Latin over Greek.

"Em, would you care to explain who is the Roman form of Zeus?" My annoying teacher Mr.Brunner asked.

"Jupiter." I replied with no emotions showing that I care.

"Good, now can you tell me the Roman form of nemesis?" He asked again.

Someone else spoke up before I had the chance. "Trick question, nemesis is her Roman and Greek form." I looked around and saw that Annabeth Chase said that. No wonder. She is a total genius when it comes to this stuff.

"Correct Annabeth, but next time, let the person I called on, answer, alright?" Mr.Brunner said

She simply nodded as if this happened regularly.

After that, I spaced out and luckily I didn't get called on for the rest of the class.

The bell indicating the school day was over was gonna be soon but the lockdown alarm was quicker.

The intercom went off, blasting our ears telling us that we were on lockdown, and I could've sworn that I heard Annabeth say a Latin curse for... Ιm not gonna repeat it actually..

Mr. Brunner got in his wheelchair and got us into our lockdown positions. I was the last one and they didn't have enough to room in the closet so I had to wait with Mr.Brunner.

Before I could tell him there was no room, a guy with messy black hair, and sea green eyes, burst through the door and talked with Mr.Brunner I don't think he noticed me because he was asking Mr.Brunner where I was.

Mr.Brunner got up and he... was a centaur. Like the ones we learned in class.

To say the least, I was... I guess you could say shocked.

The guy looked at me and grabbed my wrist and started dragging me towards the door but I held back and held my stance, the stance I learned from my brother.

He looked at me, and since he was definitely  stronger than me, he wrapped his arms around my waist and picked me up.

My initial reaction was to scream so I did. What else would I do? Sleep? He brought me to the door and as we were in the hallways I screamed louder. I only did this because I know the halls were quiet from lockdown and the screams would echo and at least some teachers would hear me, but none did.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2018 ⏰

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