chapter 2

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heres chapter two everybody! Enjoy! ALL RIGHTS RESERVED....DO NOT COPY THIS STORY.....i forgot to mention that in chapter one.









Chapter 2: Some Caching Up To Do

“Parker.” Tom told us. Mandy and I read each others shocked expressions.

“So that means...” My eyes widening with shock. It couldn’t be that easy...

“That he’s your...” The boys stopped talking, looking at us. A young women with strawberry red hair bursted through the hotel door. Mandy pointed a finger at me, chocking on her own thoughts.

“My boys!” The women yelled as Max hushed her into silence accompanied with a hurt expression. Mandy shock her head as I pointed to myself and then pointing to Tom, whispering to each other,


“What?” They all spat.

“I’m sorry, what?” Max said chocking on his glass of water. Coughing, they all looked at us with shocked confused expressions.

“Brother.” I said firmly, taking a grasp of what was happening. The room drooped into silence as everyone took in this information, no one blinking. Afraid that something would happen.

“Tom! Pal, you never told us you had a sister!” Jay yelled slapping Tom on the back. Smiling, at Jay’s expression, he walked over to me and shock my hand. “Welcome to the family!” Hugging me, I started laughing. Jay started stuffing a piece of yellow margarin pie in his mouth when the lady stated,

“That’s not possible... Ugh fans. Here you go sweetie.” She pushed an autographed CD into the chest spinning me around. Tom stepped in font of her, “Is it?” She asked taken aback by Tom’s expression. The boys all plopped down on the bed, like they were watching a slow action film. Looking, waiting, looking for something to major to happen.

“Mandy, Heather, this is Jayne.” Max told us.

“Is it true?” Jayne snapped. I flinched at her harsh voice, even though the words weren’t directed to me, it felt like it.

“Yes, Jayne. It’s true.” To said with his eyes closed, head in his hands.

“This is not good publicity....” Jayne muttered.

“I didn’t know you had a younger sister!” Siva said smiling at me.

“None of us did.” Nathan whispered more to himself than to us.

“How long have you’ve know about me, Heather?” Tom asked

“Honestly, not very long...” I replied.

“I’ve been planning to visit your - our parents for a while now.” He told me

“So you knew about me?” I asked scooting closer to the edge of the couch. I noticed Nathan looking at me out of the corner of my eyes.

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