I went down to the bar. I stood at the entrance. A lot of people where in there it must be because of new year I thought to myself. I looked around looking for leo. I spotted him. He was sat talking to the blonde laughing away his hands on her thigh. I gulped. I took out my phone and rang his number. I watched , the phone near my ear. He pulled out his phone. Looked clicked a button and continued talking. "The person you are trying to contact can not come to the phone at the minute. Please leave a message after the tone." I pulled the phone away from my ear and clicked end. I text him. 'You coming back yet?x' He again took out his phone. Just as I thought he was about to reply. He put his phone away. As the Alex woman kissed his cheek. I left. I took the lift to our suite and got my purse and put my clothes back on. I quickly put on my shoes and headed out for a cab.

The air bit at my legs. I could feel the cold on my arms and back. Maybe a split leg dress wasn't the best idea. I climbed into a cab and told him my address. As he was pulling away joining the other traffic we slowed just in time for Leo to catch sight of me. It looked like he was either saying goodbye to Alex or me which either way I was trying to convince myself it didn't matter. His faced furrowed in confusion. He began to walk towards me the lights went green.

"Thank you." I spoke to the driver I gave him a tip. "No problem. Thanks for the this by the way." he grinned. I smiled and shut the door. I headed up my steps and opened the front door. My house was cold. This wasn't home to me. I sighed. I lit the fire and laid out some blankets around it. I put my pjs on and snuggled up in front. I watched the fire burn away. Maybe it's time I went home for a visit. I'd never been away from home on new year before. It was the time I always liked to be home. A new year with my family. Not on my own. I curled up in my blanket watching the flames of the fire. A sudden knock on the door frightened me. "I know you're in there." Leo spoke from the letterbox. "You're right near the fire." I rolled my eyes. "Oh you can see now? I thought you couldn't , you know each time you took your phone out and ignored me." He sighed. "Jess. Are we back here again." Fuming I hurled towards the door. I flung the door open. "You are the reason were here. Always. You and your line of models and constantly putting them before me. I've canceled no end of things with my guy friends to be with you when you want or needed me to be there! And all I get it this? Are you ..." He pressed his lips to mine. "Shut up." He mumbled to me. "She was an old friend who had just came to town. Here." I looked at the card he handed me. Two return tickets to paris. I looked at him. "P...Paris?" he laughed. "Were going to Paris. In exactly 3 hours now hurry and get your suitcase packed." I went up stairs and plonked aload of outfits in my suit case. I got out some other lingerie. If it doesn't happen in Paris it isn't going to happen anywhere I thought. I smiled to myself. I packed my case with all the outfits and things I would need. I change into a tracksuit and plims and headed down stairs pulling my suitcase with me. Leo smiled at the end of my stairs. "I'm to jealous huh?" He laughed and wrapped his arms around me. " No I wouldn't have you any other way it shows me you care." I shoved him. He pulled me to him. "Let's go to Paris."

We got off the plane in Paris to even colder weather. I pulled my hoodie around me. Leo chuckled and wrapped his jacket around me. I smiled up at him. I kissed him. "Thank you." He smiled in return. "Sir?" I heard a French accent. I turned to see a man around Leo's age. "Thank you." Leo smiled and pulled our luggage. We stepped into the car. "Would you like music mr. Dicaprio?" Leo looked at me. I shrugged. "No thank you." I moved closer to the partition. "Are you from Paris?" I asked the man. He laughed. "Qui mademoiselle." I grinned. "If you don't mind me asking you are European?" I nodded. "Qui , je suis Anglais." He grinned. "You know French?" I nodded. "I tiny bit I know more random words." He nodded. I slid back down to Leo who was on his phone frowning. I put my chin on his shoulder. "What's up?" I asked. He turned to me. "Oh nothing." He quickly put his phone away. He smiled at me. I looked at him. "What are you hiding Di caprio?" He laughed. "Nothing." I raised my eyebrow. He grinned at me. The partition rolled up so we were separated. Leo pulled me on my Lap. He kissed me straight away. "Can't wait can we?" I teased. He laughed. His phone vibrated. He sighed. "Hello?" I slid off him and looked out of the window.

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