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I checked my laptop for any sign of the man but there wasn't. I got changed into this and put a bit of makeup on

 I got changed into this and put a bit of makeup on

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(You can choose what you want to wear but In the next chapter I will put a picture of what you wear)

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(You can choose what you want to wear but In the next chapter I will put a picture of what you wear)

The time is 4:26

I always go on a morning stroll around for a bit. My mom and dad does not care they let me do whatever I want. I put my coat on

And quietly went down the stairs and out the front door

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And quietly went down the stairs and out the front door. I need to refresh my memory after that nightmare we'll it wasn't a nightmare it was real but I like to think it was a nightmare. I went over to the park and sat on the swing thinking of what happened  'was it a nightmare or was it real' I was thinking 'I mean like he was cute looking and also scary' the picture couldn't get out of my head "we'll thank you" someone said from behind me I quickly got up and checked and there was a man that looked exactly like the man from the laptop "what" I said looking at him 'how did he get here' i was thinking to myself "nothing is impossible" he said looking at me "what are you talking about" I looked at him in the eyes " I'm answering your questions" he said to me "what do you want, why do you keep following me around, who the hell are you?" I keep asking all these questions "1 I want you, 2 I'm aloud to follow you, 3 I'm Darkiplier" when he said all that he was smiling like an asshole " I'm going back home so leave me the fuck alone of I'm calling the police" I said walking away from him. When I was walking away I could hear other footsteps from behind me I turned around to see he was following me I started to pick up my pace when I heard he was still following me I started to run I ran into an allway but I bumped into something hard...

It was him i fell down from the hard knock "shit" I felt something dripping down my head. I slowly put my hand to my head when my hand came back down there was blood on my fingers. My vision was going blurry 'no I have to fight and get back home' I thought to myself "no that's not gonna happen" he said to me "please" I said to him. I tried standing up but I was about to hit the ground but I didn't I slowly opened my eyes to see that he catches me "get of me" I said to him I tried punching him but it didn't work. I slowly drifted to sleep (it's bad to hit your head and then go to sleep because you can die but for the story you won't your welcome)

2 days later

I woke up in a soft bed I sat up and rubbed my eyes to see if I was dreaming but I wasn't "fuck" I said to myself. I got out of the bed and I walked over to the mirror there was still blood on my head 'he doesn't know how to take care of anyone' I thought to myself and then that was when I remembered what happened my eyes went wide. When I turned around he was standing in my way "hello how are you" he said. He was tall and I'm only 19 so I had to look up. He was really close to me so I took a step back "come with me" he said to me i didn't move an inch he sighs and he grabbed my wrist. He had a tight hold on my wrist which really hurt "ouch let go please your hurting me" I said with tears in my eyes   He turned around to face me and he let go of my wrist,my wrist was already bruised. He told me to sit on the couch so I obeyed he walked of and then came back a few seconds later he had a medical kit and he took out some bandages he wrapped it around my wrist and then he remembered that I had blood still on my head. He put some water on tissue and dabbed it on my head when he was doing this I was looking anywhere but him. When he was finished he put all the stuff away he came back and sat back down " I have rules for you here" he said staring into my eyes "what no I'm not staying here!" I said shouting at him "we'll you am and if you have a problem keep it to yourself or I will KILL YOU!" when he said that I shut up I didn't want to die we'll not yet anyway "rule 1 you will obey everything that I say if you don't you will get punished, rule 2 if you shout back or talk back to me you will be punished, rule 3 don't disobey me or the punishment will get worser, rule 4 you can call me sir or any name that comes to mind but no silly ones or you will get punished, rule 5 I can call you princess and kitten if you don't like it we'll tough shit you will have to deal with it" he said all this smiling at me I was glaring at him "I'm no dog to you" I said to him "I know your not your my kitten" he said laughing "fuck you how the hell am I supposed to remember all of the rules" I said to him "have you ever heard of remembering" he said looking at me up and down "yeah actually I have" I said to him looking him up and down "do you know your already breaking the rules" he said smirking at me "oh really now" I don't even care he can't do shit to me "your forgetting to say sir" he said to me
"Okay SIR" I cringed when I said that "good girl" he said patting my head and standing up "don't try to escape it if you do you
will get punished" he said laughing walking down the hall.

' this is going to be a long day'


Thank you to anyone that is reading this story it makes me feel happy so thank you so much.

There are 1132 words

Thank you for reading and don't forget to stay lovely.

Me: Darkiplier do you want to say anything to the lovely people of the internet

Darkiplier: I'm watching you

Okay you heard the guy he's watching you.

*brofists the fan that are reading this story"

Bye bye!!!!!

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