
139 14 72

i saw a lot of personal books had tags in them and i wanted do some, so keara told me to go on her book so yeah

1. on a scale of one to ten, how happy are you?
well i just got out of school, so i'm pretty happy!

2. are you an only child?
nope! i have one little sister :)

3. dick, boobs or both?

4. do you masturbate?
to min yoongi's face.

5. what are some words you dislike?
tbh i'm fine with anything! people can say whatever they want as long as it's not mean.

6. where do you live?
i just moved to america from the philippines actually so i'm still kind of new here. but i live in LA. :')

7. best friends on this app?
i don't know if they consider me as their best friends, but i do and they're pretty lit (sometimes)

pao, gen, jairo, mari, abel, jaehyun and keara!

8. something personal?
people suck

9. mood currently?
i'm good. like i said i just got out of school :)

10. something about the fandom you're in?
well. i saw a lot of incest fanfictions about bts and i'm kind of grossed out.

11. tattoos or piercings?
none tbh

12. do you have a lover?
i'm working on it. :)

13. sugar or spice?
this dick ain't smol tho

14. show your face

15. have you eaten?
not yet actually :'(

16. last time you cried?
today! i was at art and we have these heavy chairs and i stood up to get a new pencil and the chair fell on my foot.

17. what do you find attractive?
short hispanic people with glasses ;)

18. what makes you soft and hard?
my friends and pony p-porn omo

19. do you like to throw shade?
no actually! but my friend gen does looking at you gen

20. stan hoseok?
who doesn't?

tagging: lovscripts asianscum aestheticjams jaehyunscreams michonnes kakaolatte christaenity idleglance

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