06/04/14 -- 8:36 PM

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Dear you,

You're the reason why I can't rest my mind at night. You're my 3 am thoughts, my 11:11 wish, and the name I whisper whenever a shooting star passes by. I could write a whole book about you -- the way you look when you're determined, the way your eyes shine when something fascinates you, your dreams, fears and aspirations -- everything. Even your flaws, they're like stars in the sky and I could put them into constellations if you would let me. But you're too busy making constellations out of another girl's flaws, making them your universe. And all I can do is sit here all alone, write poems you will never know about 'til my hands become raw, 'til my mind can't think anymore, hoping that it'll make me feel numb enough to not have a single thought of you even just for a while.

Thoughts Left UnsaidOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora