« 003 »

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The break was entirely uneventful.
Of course having time to be with her parents Amaha was pleased, after all aside from the surprise visits from the two mysterious adults they only get to have a couple weeks to actually bond with each other.

For Amaha the most interesting and possibly the most exciting thing which happened at the span of a couple weeks, was the fact that her parents had have bought a new house. Of course this isn't much of a surprise to the two blondes, after all they were used to moving around all of the sudden, from mere streets, cities, and sometimes even countries.

The two weren't bothered by any of those, however.

Their parents had have asked the two if they would miss their friends. However, the two had each other and that was enough for the siblings.

It wasn't like they had friends back then anyway.

The two siblings lounged at the couches in the living room.

The problem with living secluded from the people was most likely the fact that they had poor internet and cable connections.

Therefore, they had to rely on their smartphones in order to have at least a little bit of entertainment.

Amaha has no games on her phone, which is ironic taking that she is known to be the only girl in school who has 3 times more games than the boys. And, so she had nothing to do at the meantime, that is until the feminine yet elegant voice of their mother called from the landing of the 2nd floor stairs.

"Amaha? Daiki?"

The two mentioned pipped up at the sound of their name being called, so they stood up and replied.

"Right here mom!" Amaha exclaimed.

The lady, whom looked younger than her presumed age is stood at the frame of the living room door.

She was a brunnete with lovely blue eyes that seemed to glimmer as a stubborn ray of sunlight flashed through the white window curtains.
She wore an elegant dress, showing off her curves and the beading that looked genuinely real gold.

"You excited to go home yet?" She asked, but wasn't home where she is now? It seemed as though her brother had the same thought as he blurted out, "But, aren't we home right now?"

Their mother chuckled, "Of course it is! I guess that was a poor choice of words, I meant back in Tokyo!"

The two let out small groans as they remembered they have successfully wasted their break and have to go back to their 'home' called apartment in a few days.

"You know mom, we can just stay here and be homeschooled like our cousins." Amaha muttered, although her mother had have heard loud and clear. "Of course I know! But you two aren't like your cousins, me and your dad are making you two grow up with morals." She chuckled, which she seemed to do a lot.

Daiki sighed. Giving up and looked over her sister in defeat. Amaha wasn't taking any of this!

"Dai! Don't give up so easily!"

A low chuckle was then heard as their father emerged behind their mother's shoulders, placing his hands on his partners shoulders he said "Give it up already blondie." It was ironic he called her blondie even tho he himself was a blond.

The two teens inherited their most familiar features from their dad.
He had blond hair and Amber eyes after all.

Amaha did nothing but roll her eyes, yet she did silently agree. She just couldn't make herself admit it.

"Sit down you two." And so, they did as they were told.

This is when they both noticed the two men clad in black suits slowly entering the living room.

"You know what both our jobs are right?" Their mother had asked, although abit confused Amaha and Daiki nodded.

At the look of confusement plastered on Amaha's face her father turned to look at her. "We don't normally ask this to you two, but we ask for your help."

Help? She couldn't help but ask.
What would they need help for?
And, why are there two men who looked unintentionally suspicious.

There were so many questions she wanted to ask, but of course she knew there was all answers for this so she shut her mouth and listened.

"Remember the moon blowing a few weeks ago? A creature claimed to have been the cause of it, weird thing is he offered he would be teaching the class in your school"-at this said the five looked at her, it almost felt uncomfortable-" 3-E. He claims that if the government has not killed him before the end of March he would blow up the earth. Just. Like. That. Boom!" Although the room fell silent their mother couldn't he'll but lift the atmosphere a tiny bit.

"Wait, if it's 3-E" he paused. "Does that mean Amaha's in this and not me?" Daiki asked, a tint of worry laced all over his words. Their father nodded and signaled the two men to introduce and explain themselves.

"We are part of the government, however, now that you are informed we would like to say that you are now unable to say no to this."

The two gasped.

"Please read this file for further details. And, if this go out in the public we have all the right to remove your memories."

..This had to be a joke!

This isn't funny.

However, as Amaha turned to look at her parents they did nothing but give a small apologetic smile.

"And since you are supposed to be in Class A, we have made procedures to move you to Class E. Do not be weary, it is to guarantee the safety of not only you but the whole world as well. The world's safety is in your class' hands."

Well that was definitely going to help her, she thought with extreme sarcasm.

She guessed she's a Class 3-E student now!


Wooo I'm excited!
See you next chapter!


The Devil's Advocate↑↓Assassination Classroom↓↑Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora