Time For Some Fun

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Dipper wakes up, still on the bed, but tied to the head and lower boards of the bed with his arms and legs apart. He looks around but the room seems to be empty.

"What the hell?" he asks himself. He looks up and sees Bill who's floating above him.

"Good morning, Pine Tree. Did you sleep well?" Bill asks with a big grin on his face.

"Ugh. Like you care" Dipper rolls his eyes. "Why am I tied to the bed?" he asks.

"Because I thought this would be a good start and it certainly was. I can see every single part of the front half of your body. Including this thing" he says grabbing his cock.

"Hey! Don't touch that!" Dipper yells.

"I can touch whatever I want. After all, you're my slave, now" Bill says.

"Why would you want to, anyway?" Dipper asks.

"Well, Pine Tree, I've been doing a bit of research and found out that sexual intercourse is something humans do with other humans as a form of both pleasure and torture and this activity is one we will be testing today" He explains very clearly.

"You're going to RAPE ME?!" Dipper screams at Bill.

"No, actually. I'm going to fuck you. Were you even listening?" Bill smirks.

"WHAT?! WHY?!" Dipper asks angrily.

"Because I want to both torture and please you. It will please me very much" Bill smiles.

"I hate you!" Dipper exclaims, blushing.

"We shall begin" he ignores Dipper's comment as he lays between Dipper's legs and squeezes his cock. He moans slightly as it makes him harder and Bill smiles.

"I see you like it" he says happily.

"You don't know that!" Dipper blushes.

"Really, Pine Tree? I can read your mind" Bill says unamused.

"Fine. Maybe, I do" Dipper says, blushing harder.

"Good. Good." he smiles, beginning to stroke it. Dipper becomes tense, moaning slightly more. This is all so new to him and his cock has never been touched by anyone before, let alone a demonic dorito. Bill grins.

"You like this, don't you?" He asks. No reply.

"Fine. Maybe I'll try this..." Bill proceeds to lick the tip of it and Dipper's head jolts up as he struggles to break free from the ropes.

"No point in trying to break them. The more you struggle, the tighter they get" he explains. He sucks the tip a little, making Dipper moan even more.

"Grrr, cut it out, Bill!" Dipper demands.

"You agreed to be my slave so this is what you get" Bill replies. Dipper grunts. Bill starts to suck it and Dipper moans loudly.

"Please...stop...it's sensitive..." he begs. Bill smiles sharply.

"I can tell how much you like it. You want some more?" He asks. Dipper blushes.

"I'll take that as a yes~" he starts sucking it again.

"Ah~" Dipper moans again as he pushes his cock deeper into Bill's mouth, cumming loads really hard into his throat.

"Oh my~" Bill opens his mouth as Dipper starts panting and watches as cum pours out of it like a waterfall.

"You came so much, Pine tree" he says with his mouth opened and winks at Dipper. He blushes.

"There's something else I wanna try too..." Bill grins.

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