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We pulled up after a long car journey at our new house in Jersey! While I was in the car I found out a bit more info on where the twins lived in Jersey.

Sommer's Pov
So I got to my new house! It was soo big and pretty, then you heard something and you turned around so see that's across the way was Ethan And Grayson getting in the car!
OMG IT WAS ACTUALLY THEM, the DOLAN TWINS live across the street, FROM ME?!?
I can't take this all in so I dropped my things and ran straight over to Eth and Gray.

Ethan said "hey! You must be our new neighbors right? You just stared at him for about 20 seconds then, "oh yes umm sorry I'm also one of your biggest fans and I can't believe this just happened to me!" "Aww what's your name you seem soo cute!" "Sommer!" You said excitedly. "That's such a pretty name, so how about we take you for some pizza since your our new neighbor, ya know if it's okay with your parents?" "OH MY GOSH OF COUSRE!! Let me just go grab a few things and I'll be right back!"

I came back and they said "oh, do you wanna be in our snap story?" "Umm yeah, Is that like even a question?" You chuckled, Eth laughed and said "so this is one of our biggest fans and one of the most sweetest girls EVER! Her name is Sommer and I'm glad to announce that you guys will be seeing lots more of her!"

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