2 January

291 6 1

As the days past, the library became more and more lonely. The sky became darker the trees loomed over the window making shadow figures on the floor.

Hours past, minutes flew by, seconds wandered away it was as if time it self had disappeared. The clock ticked indicating it was time for y/n to leave. She gathered her things left the keys on the desk and went to form.

A face she knew to well came up behind her...... Tiger. Tiger was like any other basic, fake ass bitch around although she was smarter than what people give credit for; once she has a victim she would plan out there every Root until they snapped.

"oh hello y/n long time no see" she says with a fake smile, her long blonde hair flipping behind her.

(A/n I'm going off of mean girls just a younger version of Regina George)

"Hi..." I say in a perlite but fuck off kind of manner I honestly didn't want to talk to her today, not today.
"why so sad" she said pointing to her mouth to emphasise the frown On her face
"I'm not sad, just tired." it was true I wasn't sad but I wasn't tired, I was thinking about what she had said yesterday.

Flashback to yesterday lunch

I was sat alone in the canteen eating a pizza slice when her and he minions came up to me, you had Emily. Emily would hit on every guy in school, she didn't do anything else obviously where 12/11 you nasty

Then we had Tilly, tilly was the dumbest girl in school also the youngest, no one has ever seen her eat some say she feeds off of a tube but that's just a theory.

Then there was Tina you already know a little about Tina but this is what others thing of her.
Random person:  Tina is flawless
Random person 2: She has too many perses
Random person 3: I hear she does car commercials in Japan
Random person 4: she met zac effron on a plane once and he told her she was pretty
Random person 5: she punched me in the face once it was AwSoMe.

Yeh I know she sounds like a T.V character....

"Oi, where having a party at my place you should come"
I shook my head in as to say no
"why not you past your curfew"
Ugh I hated her. As I got up she pushed me down and pulled my hair
"you'll regret it"

Flashback ends

"hello..... HI EARTH TO Y/N"
"oh sorry, what was you saying"
"are you going to my party tomorrow" I shook my head again and walked away. The bell rang as I reached the door sadly one of Tina's minions came up behind me and pushed me down making me drop all my books to the ground.

A figure, with wavy black hair and pale skin dove down like a dov from the heavens.

"I think you dropped this" 
NO shit Shirlock
"thanks" I smiled at the boy.
"Finn right?"
"Yeh, Y/n right?"
A awkward silence fell apon us. Darn my socially awkward ass
"so would you like to sit with me and my friends at break and lunch? Few he decided to break the silence.
" u-um Yeh that would be lovely" Did I stutter fuck.
"c ya around finnieboy"
"Yeh it's a nick name. Dooface."
"well okay (embarrassing nickname)"
"Nooooooooo anything but that."
"fine n/n, happy"

As the two kids left to go into the classroom y/n couldn't consantrate on the set work. Maybe he'll be different.

2 Little Hearts. A Finn Wolfhard X Reader Where stories live. Discover now